The Halifax Board of Selectmen met Tuesday, April 23.
Conservation Commission Appointment
They met with Alan Dias to consider his appointment to the Conservation Committee. They had a letter from the Commission saying that the Commission voted 2-1 with one abstention to recommend Dias. Dias, who has been a Halifax resident for 46 years said, “I have watched the Conservation Commission meetings for the last year or so and the Commission is a very important function of the town, and it is kind of missing what I think it really needs – some experience. You’ve got new members, you’ve got members leaving, you’ve got new members starting and I think that with my experience, I’ve been a contractor for 35 years, I’ve represented clients on this side of the table for Conservation Commission meetings.” He continued, “I’m familiar with the Wetlands Protection Act, I’m familiar with the stormwater management, the sanitation code and I think I can assist the Board with trying to get itself reorganized so that it functions as a good Board and it’s not just handling complaints.” He said his goal was to be on the Board for about a year.
Selectmen Chair John Bruno read from a letter urging that Dias not be appointed to the Commission due to alleged violations at his 0 Pine St. North property. The letter said, “He’s also currently personally engaged with the Water Department on a proposed construction development within priority habitat and which there’s no current approved site plan. Additionally, Mr. Dias owns many acres of wetlands in and around East Monponsett. Though I have no doubt that Mr. Dias is a very intelligent and hardworking man, it is my personal opinion that he has too many conflicts of interest to appropriately and fairly serve on the Halifax Conservation Commission.” Dias responded alluding to the letter being written by resident Jeremy Gillespie, who was in attendance. He said, “Mr. Gillespie’s violations; they’ve been well vetted; they’ve been vetted by DEP [Department of Environmental Protection]. Quite frankly, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” Dias said that if he had a financial interest in a matter he would recuse himself. Commission member Edward Lane spoke out in favor of Dias’ appointment. Gillespie spoke up claiming that Lane had lied about an important site visit.
Selectman Jonathan Selig spoke on Dias saying, “This has been one of the hardest decisions I’ve had to make since being a Selectman. Alan, I want to thank you for your service to the town. You’ve done decades worth of service. I know his integrity is being questioned; I don’t have questions with his integrity. I don’t have questions that he’s a hard-working good citizen of Halifax. But I do think, for better or worse, it’s gotten to be a little bit political… and I know we as a town are trying to move past that a little bit, so again, very, very hard decision for me, but I don’t think that I can go for your approval just based on recent political things and it pains me, because I think you’re a very, very knowledgeable guy.” Dias responded, “My political views won’t make a difference from looking at regulations… we have regulations, we read those, we interpret them, we make our decision.”
Selectman Naja Nessralla spoke out in favor of appointing Dias. Amy Troup spoke out against Dias accusing him of telling her boss that she was a racist while they were serving on the Planning Board together. She referred to serving with him as a “nightmare.” Bruno said that similar issues were brought up when appointing Dias to the Bylaw Review Committee but said that he did a great job despite those concerns. “Personally, I know Alan. I’ve known him for as long as I’ve been in town, and I knew his parents. His father was the first Grand Knight at our church… so I’ve known them pretty well. I know all of his work. I know he’s had issues all up and down and so haven’t we all, so I’m not really concerned about that,” Bruno said. Bruno made a motion to appoint Dias which was met with ire from both Troup and Gillespie. Dias was appointed to the Commission with a 2-1 vote with both Bruno and Nessralla voting in favor and Selig voting against.
Building Department Fee Changes
“The Finance Committee had asked that all departments annually review their fee schedules just to make sure that we’re in line with our comparable communities; we’re obviously not looking to charge more but we want to continuously review those to make sure that they are in line with where they need to be,” Town Administrator Cody Haddad said. New Building Commissioner Ed Bayly reviewed ten surrounding communities and made recommendations for fee changes to be brought before the Board of Selectmen for their review and approval. Bayly said that upon review Halifax was at the lower end of average. His proposed changes moved them closer to the upper end of average. The Selectmen approved the new fee schedule effective July 1.
Pole and Road Cut Approvals
The Selectmen had a scheduled pole hearing that evening for the purpose of hearing the joint petition submitted by Massachusetts Electric Company and Verizon New England Inc. to replace some existing poles on Holmes St. A representative from National Grid appeared before the Board explaining that the change would reduce the number of people who lose power should something happen causing a power outage. The Selectmen agreed to the work.
The Selectmen also had a request from Eversource to open a 4’x6’ road cut at 98 Holmes St. for an abandoned gas service line. “The stipulation is it has to be approved by the Conservation Commission,” Bruno said. The Building Inspector, Police, and Highway have already approved. The Selectmen voted to also approve it pending the Conservation Commission’s approval. They dealt with two more road cuts to install new gas service at 203 Oak St. The Selectmen voted to approve those as well contingent on the other necessary department approvals.
Other Business
Haddad told the Selectmen that they are undergoing upgrades to their water treatment facilities. He said that the engineering firm that is serving as the project manager has submitted a change of scope that will result in an increased cost of $31,600. Haddad noted that they do have the funding in place. The Selectmen voted to approve the changes. The total cost of the project will be just under $3 million.
The Selectmen also reviewed a contract with Ocean State Pyrotechnics for the fireworks display scheduled for June 29 with a rain date of June 30. “This is all with donated funds,” Haddad said. The Selectmen agreed to the contract.
The Selectmen also dealt with expanding the newly formed Alewife Restoration Committee from three to four members. Standing member Jeremy Gillespie was there to speak to the need to expand the Committee. The Selectmen agreed to change the makeup of the Committee to up to five members. They also voted to approve the appointment of Allen Palmer to the Alewife Restoration Committee.
Haddad provided an update saying that they officially launched their community forum HaliFACTS. “It’s been a good service; we’ve received one or two comments so far and we’ve been pretty quick to respond to them. We really want to emphasize people to utilize that rather than social media so they can get the accurate information,” he explained. Haddad also said that he and Selig filmed a Town Meeting warrant preview which is posted online at Area 58. In the video, they go through each article explaining a bit more about them.
Who’s on the ballot May 18?
With elections only eight days away, Saturday, May 18, our three Silver Lake towns have sprouted lawn signs for their favorites. Not so many this year as in years past, with only a few contested races.
In Halifax, there are two contests on the ballot: Incumbent Amy L Troup is being challenged by Robert J Piccirilli for the five-year seat on the Planning Board. Naja R Nessralla, candidate for re-election, is challenged by newcomer Thomas J Pratt for the three-year term on the Board of Selectmen. Voters will cast their ballots at the Halifax Elementary School, Plymouth St., Rte. 106, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
In Plympton, the only contest on the ballot shows Selectmen Chairman Christine M. Joy being challenged by Dana M. Smith for the three-year term on the Plympton Board. Voters will go to the Plympton Town House, 5 Palmer Rd., Deborah Samson meeting room to make their choices from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
In Kingston, Kimberley Emberg, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, and Sheila Vaughn, incumbent, are being challenged by Melissa A. Bateman for a three-year term on the Kingston Board of Selectmen. The voting is for two out of three contestants.
Megan Garrity Cannon is challenging incumbent Mark R. Guidoboni for the Kingston seat on the Silver Lake Regional School Committee, a three-year term. Laurie A. Casna is challenging Megan Garrity Cannon for the three-year term on the Kingston Elementary School Committee. Cannon is the incumbent.
Patricia Iafrate and Sheryl A. Antoine are the choices for the one Board of Health three-year term. Neither are incumbents.
There are three positions with no candidate: Planning Board 5-year term, Housing Authority 5-year term, and Library Trustee for a 3-year term. Check for write-in candidates.
All four Kingston precincts will vote at the Kingston Elementary School cafeteria, 150 Main St. from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
There’s still time!
KINGSTON,- Do you have a story about what it was like growing up in Kingston? Does the house you live in have an interesting history? Do you have an old photograph of a special event from decades ago? Maybe you know an artisan or a businessperson with a story to tell. Perhaps you would like to share your recollections of our town with a larger audience?
“Tales of Jones River Village: Kingston’s 300 years” will celebrate and commemorate Kingston’s 300th anniversary and will be available for purchase in the fall of 2025, ahead of Kingston’s 300th anniversary in 2026. There has been strong support from the community in the way of articles and photographs, and the publishers are still actively seeking additional community contributions.
This new illustrated history will feature short narratives and fresh accounts which will add to established town histories, chronicling the town and its people through different eras. Contributors to the book have come from the community, and the publishers are seeking additional contributions from interested parties.
“We want to hear from anyone who may have a story to share about life in Kingston,” said Ken Brack, a director and the project’s Managing Editor, who added, “These could be ‘then and now’ items from a neighborhood, snapshots of family histories, postcards or other historical items.” He added, “You don’t need to be a professional writer to be a part of this book. We have an editorial team that will work with contributors.”
The publishers anticipate that the book will be approximately 250 pages in length, and approximately 9.5 by 12 inches in size. Because of the length of time required to design and print a book of this size, the publishers are asking that all material for possible inclusion in the book be submitted by the end of June.
Whether it’s an article on a family business, a family history, a story about veterans and first responders, an interesting story about a house, the publishers want to hear from you.
The publishers of this book are not affiliated with the town’s 300th committee; this is a separate venture. To learn more about the book, please visit To inquire about submitting an article or a story idea, please contact Ken Brack, managing editor, [email protected]. You could also contact directors Tom Vendetti, [email protected] , Jan Guidoboni, [email protected], or project editor Jim Farrell, [email protected].
Send your stories: “Tales of Jones River Village: Kingston’s 300 years”
KINGSTON – Do you have a story about what it was like growing up in Kingston? Does the house you live in have an interesting history? Do you have an old photograph of a special event from decades ago? Maybe you know an artisan or a businessperson with a story to tell. Perhaps you would like to share your recollections of our town with a larger audience?
“Tales of Jones River Village: Kingston’s 300 years” will celebrate and commemorate Kingston’s 300th anniversary and will be available for purchase in the fall of 2025, ahead of Kingston’s 300th anniversary in 2026. There has been strong support from the community in the way of articles and photographs, and the publishers are still actively seeking additional community contributions.
This new illustrated history will feature short narratives and fresh accounts which will add to established town histories, chronicling the town and its people through different eras. Contributors to the book have come from the community, and the publishers are seeking additional contributions from interested parties.
“We want to hear from anyone who may have a story to share about life in Kingston,” said Ken Brack, a director and the project’s Managing Editor, who added,
“These could be ‘then and now’ items from a neighborhood, snapshots of family histories, postcards or other historical items.” He added, “You don’t need to be a professional writer to be a part of this book. We have an editorial team that will work with contributors.”
The publishers anticipate that the book will be approximately 250 pages in length, and approximately 9.5 by 12 inches in size. Because of the length of time required to design and print a book of this size, the publishers are asking that all material for possible inclusion in the book be submitted by the end of June.
Whether it’s an article on a family business, a family history, a story about veterans and first responders, an interesting story about a house, the publishers want to hear from you.
The publishers of this book are not affiliated with the town’s 300th committee; this is a separate venture. To learn more about the book, please visit
To inquire about submitting an article or a story idea, please contact Ken Brack, managing editor, [email protected].
You could also contact directors Tom Vendetti, [email protected], Jan Guidoboni, [email protected], or project editor Jim Farrell, [email protected].
The Mother’s Day gift
By Linda Ibbitson Hurd
Special to The Express
I was in my bedroom dusting and vacuuming recently and happened to look up over the closets where there’s a shelf holding several items. Among them a wooden plaque caught my eye. It’s a decoupaged picture of a little dog wearing a puffy bonnet with a little blue bird nestled into it and a thin blue ribbon tied in a bow around the brim. It brought back a Mother’s Day memory of when my son Brian was eight and my daughter Heidi was five.
After my marriage ended, I was lonely at times and had concerns about raising two children by myself. I was taking college classes at night and was exhausted, worried about finances and many other things. I got a job cleaning houses during the week while the kids were at school so I could pay the bills and put food on the table. When the kids were small I had gotten piggy banks for them to teach them the value of saving money when they received it. Brian, being the oldest, I was also pleased he hadn’t asked to take any out. It saved us from going hungry one night before I was receiving child support and had used the last of my money for the mortgage payment. There was no food, no money and I didn’t want to ask my parents, who had already helped me with getting a car when mine was no longer drivable. When Brian asked what was for supper that night I told him we’d have to have cereal. A few minutes later he came out to the kitchen carrying his bank with Heidi in tow carrying hers. I had forgotten all about the banks and was so relieved. When we opened them there was enough money to get food with some left over until I got paid at my house cleaning job. From the time they were little, I noticed how caring and generous they were; that’s never changed.
When Mother’s Day came that year I was especially distracted about money I needed for a bill and also had to study for finals as the semester was ending. I often got very little sleep but that Sunday morning I slept late and was so surprised when I got up that the kids hadn’t woke me. I went out to the kitchen and they were nowhere to be found. There was a note on the table in my son’s handwriting that read, “Mom we will be back.” I was relieved after reading the note and thought they must be next door but why didn’t the note say that. I got dressed and was about to walk around the neighborhood to find them when they burst through the door with expectant smiles lighting up their little faces. They were carrying a paper bag and Brian asked me to sit down because they had a Mother’s Day present for me. I was so surprised and doubly so as I had forgotten it was Mother’s Day. They handed me the bag and Brian asked me to be careful opening it. My mind was going a mile a minute wondering how they got these things and where, as I took the bag. Brian had to ask me again to open the bag. I reached in and pulled out the wooden plaque thinking the dog was so cute with her big eyes and hat. “Keep going”, Brian said. I pulled out little cheetah cats made out of china, some small plastic deer, a pretty candle and some candy. I looked up at them and was both speechless and torn because I was a little upset they spent money we might need again and torn because I was touched beyond words they did such a loving and unselfish thing. I wrapped my arms around them, squeezing them tight with lots of kisses. When the hugging was over I asked, “Where did you get these things and how did you get them without money?” Without hesitation and in a very confident way, Brian said, “The Runkles were having a yard sale so we took some money out of our banks to get you a present.”I started to say, “but we need to save.” That’s as far as I got. Brian came back with, “Mom, you deserve a Mother’s Day present, some things are more important than money.” This, from an eight- year-old. I looked at Heidi, her hearing aid was on and she was also reading our lips. She looked back nodding yes with a smile.
In that moment everything changed. I realized how consumed I’d been by worry about my own problems to the point I’d forgotten all about Mother’s Day. I also realized in spite of my worries my kids and I were okay and would remain so.
I felt bad forgetting about my own mother and how awful it would have been for her and what regret I would’ve been left with. I looked at my kids realizing the real gift they had just given me. I said to them, “Why don’t we go pick out a card and a gift for Gramma and go see her today?” They got all excited as we left to spend a wonderful day together.
Halifax Council on Aging celebrates volunteers
Linda Redding
Special to the Express
Wednesday, April 24, the Great Room of the Halifax Town Hall was turned into a cafe serving a full course turkey dinner in appreciation to the many volunteers who give their time to the Council on Aging.
Turkey and the fixings were prepared by Chef Andrew Tate of Trio Community Kitchen in West Bridgewater. The COA staff helped serve the volunteers. Tasty cookies were baked by Caeli McCullough of Golden Hour Confectionery. Caeli is a graduate of the Silver Lake Culinary Arts program and now runs a successful local business. Mike Darsch of Snowy Owl Coffee served hot and cold-brewed coffee.
Volunteers enjoyed listening to performer Bill Reidy who sang and played guitar.
The COA volunteers were recognized with a Certificate of Appreciation from State Representative Kathy LaNatra. Each volunteer left with the certificate and a whoopie pie made by the students in the Silver Lake Culinary Arts program.
Town meeting prep in Plympton
The Plympton Board of Selectmen met on Monday, April 22. Town Administrator Elizabeth Dennehy reviewed all of the various articles on the town meeting warrant asking the Selectmen to put a hold on anything they wanted to discuss further. Articles include Article 6 that is the Community Preservation funding for the restoration of the historic front entrance of Plympton’s Townhouse. Article 9 seeks to appropriate $4,042 plus repurposing an additional $3,500 for the required 5 percent match for an anticipated award of an Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) grant for communications equipment for the Fire Department.
Article 33 “allows the Town Clerk to make a new section using e-code and it makes it a requirement for people to have a house number somewhere visible so the Fire Department can identify,” Dennehy explained. Selectman John Traynor asked what was driving it and Dennehy said that the By-Law Review Committee has been reaching out to different town departments to get their feedback and this suggestion came from the Fire Department. “I don’t know how enforceable it will be but I think it’s a good start at least for new construction,” Dennehy said.
Dennehy told the Selectmen that the Finance Committee no longer wants to mail the warrants out to residents. “They think it’s an additional cost and it’s not sustainable and we have hardcopies available at Town Meeting… we’re avoiding the bulk mail permit expense and it will be on the website and on social media,” Dennehy said. Selectman Mark Russo was surprised the decision was made for this year. “I think this is the thing to alert citizens that maybe wouldn’t look anywhere else,” he explained. Traynor said he was in favor of forgoing the mailing due to it being a “fairly large expense.” Russo elaborated on his point saying, “the trouble is you have to have your interest piqued to access it anywhere and unless it goes out in the mail there’ s a whole bunch of people that this will go right over their heads; honestly I kind of feel like it’s a connection with the past and a traditional thing… it’s also kind of a manifestation of our work and what we do.” Dennehey said that she would bring Russo’s concerns to the Finance Committee.
Dennehy also reviewed the articles for the Special Town Meeting. The second article is for a Community Preservation project at Holt Field including lighting. Dennehy said they may be able to pass over Articles 3 and 4. Article 5 is for the projected deficit at Dennett Elementary School. Dennehy said that School Committee Chair Jason Fraser and the rest of the Committee are working hard to reduce that deficit as much as possible. Traynor asked how much the School Committee was anticipating the deficit to be and was told that as of that date, it was likely around $130,000 though that number was anticipated to go down.
Dennehy provided a Town Administrator’s update saying, “our vendor is putting the finishing touches on a Green Communities application; the deadline for applying is May 10… I believe we’re going to try again for the library heating system.”
They ended their meeting with their raves for the week. Selectman Chair Christine Joy said, “My rave would be for Liz and the financial team and all the hard work that goes into creating the warrant and vetting all the articles and coming up with funding sources, and transferring money; it’s a huge process and you do a wonderful job and we’re lucky to have you.” Russo said, “I totally agree with that; it’s not just the finished product this year but the process that’s been put in place.”
Learn how to prevent mosquitoes and ticks at the Adams Center
Learn how to prevent mosquito and tick-borne diseases from Erin Morrill and Blake Dinius on Wednesday, May 8 at 6 p.m. at the Adams Center, 33 Summer Street, Kingston.
The program will discuss mosquito and tick-borne bites, life cycles, effective repellants, eliminating stagnant water, and how to reduce the insect population. The pair will also present informative tick and mosquito myth busting nuggets during their presentation. Morrill, is the Community Liaison for the Plymouth Mosquito Control Project, which educates the public about mosquito resources and services available to the community. Dinius, an Entomologist from the Plymouth Extension, will address the tick population.
To register for this event, please visit – For more information, you can contact Steven Miller, Reference Librarian at (781) 585-0517 x6272 or at [email protected].
Local elections are Saturday, May 18
Saturday, May 18, Plympton, Halifax, and Kingston will all open their polling places for locals to cast their ballots.
Plympton residents will vote at The Town House, 5 Palmer Rd., Rte. 58, Plympton Center, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. There is only one contest on the ballot, incumbent Selectman Christine Joy is being challenged by Dana S. Smith.
Halifax residents will vote at the Halifax Elementary School, Plymouth St., Route 106, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. to mark their choice. Amy L. Troup, candidate for re-election to the Planning Board 5-year term is being challenged by Robert J. Piccirilli; Selectman Naja Robert Nessralla is being challenged by Thomas Jared Pratt for the 3-year term.
Kingston residents will cast their ballots at the Kingston Elementary School cafeteria from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Incumbents for the 3-year term for Selectman Kimberley A. .Emberg and Sheila Vaughn are being challenged by Melissa A. Bateman.
Incumbent Mark Guidoboni is being challenged by Megan Garrity Cannon for the 3-year term on the Silver Lake Regional School Committee. For the Kingston School Committee, Megan Garrity Cannon, incumbent, is being challenged by Laurie A Casna.
For the Kingston Board of Health, Sheryl A. Antoine and Patricia Iafrate are candidates for the one 3-year term.
There are no candidates on the ballot for the 5-year position on the Planning Board, the 5-year position on the Housing Authority, and one 3-year term on the Board of Library Trustees.
Opening Day at the Ballfield!!
PAYS, Plympton Athletic Youth Sports, celebrated Opening Day at the Holt Ballfield, behind the Plympton Town House, on Sunday, April 21, with Plympton Police Officer Laicey Ieronimo throwing out the first pitch.
Plympton’s Baseball, Softball, and T-Ball teams were all in uniform ready to open the season! PAYS is an all-volunteer organization for the benefit of Plympton’s children ages 5 to 12, encouraging the ideals of sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, and courage, with emphasis on teamwork, cooperation, development of skills, and appreciation of the sport, regardless of the child’s athletic ability. Go to the PAYS website
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