North Easton Savings Bank is honored to be named to Newsweek’s 2025 list of America’s Best Regional Banks and Credit Unions.
The award acknowledges North Easton Savings Bank’s proven track record of growing the community through fair banking practices, financial advising, and local philanthropy.
Newsweek and Plant-A Insights Group recognized top regional banks and credit unions in the United States, by conducting a large-scale study based on the analysis of over 9,000 institutions, more than 70,000 customer surveys, and millions of social media reviews.
This most recent award comes following several other national and regional honors. North Easton Savings Bank was named to the USA Today Top Work Place for 2024, The Boston Globe Top Place to Work in 2024, and received the Boston Business Journal 2024 Corporate Citizenship Award.
“We are grateful to be recognized by Newsweek as one of America’s Best Regional Banks and Credit Unions for 2025,” said Rich Spencer, President & Chief Executive Officer of North Easton Savings Bank.
“This accolade is a testament to our unwavering commitment to our community and customers. It is an acknowledgement that motivates us to continue our mission of supporting and uplifting our community, ensuring we remain a trusted financial partner for many years to come.”
“Regional banks and credit unions are the financial backbone of communities nationwide as they support small businesses, fund local projects and ensure easy access to essential banking services,” said Nancy Cooper, Newsweek’s Global Editor in Chief. “We are proud to highlight companies that utilize a community- and customer-centric approach to make a big financial impact in their neighborhoods.”
North Easton Savings Bank is an award-winning financial institution with over $1.6 billion in assets, North Easton Savings Bank is uniquely situated to provide personal and business banking solutions to southeastern Massachusetts.
Founded in 1864, NESB has a proven track record of growing the community through fair banking practices, financial advising, and local philanthropy.
Looking forward, the Bank is well-positioned as the preferred area banking partner with a powerful combination of convenient features like mobile and online banking and the personal, hometown touch of a local bank. North Easton Savings Bank is fully insured by the FDIC and the DIF and is an Equal Housing Lender. For more information, please visit
Waiting for Godot
Celebrating its 25th season, True Repertory Theatre will bring Samuel Beckett’s groundbreaking play “Waiting for Godot” to life this April. Performances will be held at the Beal House, 222 Main St. in Kingston with evening performance on April 4, 5, 11 at 8 p.m. and matinees on April 6, 12, 13 at 3 p.m.
Tickets are $25 general admission and $22 for seniors and students. Group discounts of $20 a ticket for 10 or more available upon request. Tickets can be purchased online or at the performance. Online purchases can be made at
“We chose Waiting for Godot because now, more than ever, this feels like the right work at the right time,” said Donald Sheehan, who serves as the Artistic Director of True Rep.
The play is about two people living in a chaotic world who struggle to hold onto hope, who have invested in someone they know nothing about, Godot, to deliver their future. As they wait, they entertain one another, debate their existence, test their resilience, and provide unexpected humor, wisdom, and hope.
“The challenge of this play, for the actor, is to be completely honest and open — only then do we, as an audience, begin to recognize ourselves in these relationships,” remarked director, Victoria Bond. “Hopefully, people will not only recognize themselves, but one another, as well.”
As the author of the play Samuel Beckett said, “What are we doing here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in the immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come.”
Directed by Victoria Bond of Plymouth this modern production stars Mark Reid of Hull as Estragon, Donald Sheehan of Pembroke as Vladimir, Ryan Guimares of Pembroke as Pozzo, Stephen Lee of Randolph as Lucky, and Robby Silenzi of Halifax as the Boy.
For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit
School Committee shaves $448k from budget From Budget
The Halifax School Committee met on Monday, March 10. The budget and the potential override were the main topics of conversation.
Chair Lauren Laws opened the meeting to public comment. A concerned resident spoke about cost-of-living increases and the town’s request to ask various departments to look at places where they can reduce their budgets. The resident asked if the schools had looked at all possible places to cut and recommended looking at things like paying for busing and/or kindergarten rather than cutting teachers. He said that class sizes of 30 plus students was not ideal.
Resident Katherine Schneider spoke saying she had a few questions that she put together based on previous meetings she has attended as well as speaking with teachers. She began by suggesting charging for buses as a previous speaker had recommended. “Is there a new curriculum being discussed? I’ve heard a few times about a new curriculum; no offense but like why are we cutting teachers and thinking about a new curriculum when we’re above average? Can we slash unnecessary professional development?” Schneider asked. She also inquired why there have been no cuts at the high school. She further said that she couldn’t understand why anyone would want to move to the town if the schools become decimated.
A former teacher spoke saying that while he doesn’t have children of school age any longer, he still supports the school budget. “If I have to spend a little more money every year, I guess that vacation in the Bahamas is going to have to go… because it’s important that the kids have certain things – don’t take music away from them, don’t take sports away from them; don’t take those things away from these kids,” he said.
Halifax Selectman Jonathan Selig spoke saying that he would like to provide some insights into what the town was doing on their end to help the elementary school. Selig told those assembled that the cost of education in Halifax has increased an average of three percent each year over the last decade. “This year it is a 21 percent increase at Halifax Elementary and an almost six percent jump for our assessment over at Silver Lake,” Selig explained. He continued, “I will admit, I was hoping some concessions could be made by both school committees… In light of these school budgets, the town is turning over every stone to try to attack this deficit from all angles; asking all town departments to submit budgets with a ten percent cut to try to start searching for possible solutions.” Selig said that everything from reducing hours in town buildings to cutting town positions were on the table. Selig asked the School Committee to consider making further concessions. He said that if they were relying on an override, they should try to make the figure as small as possible. He also said that Silver Lake using one-time E&D funds to bridge gaps will likely result in all three towns facing overrides next year.
The Director of Finance and Operations Sarah Hickey spoke as well and said that the current level service budget for FY26 including shared costs for Halifax Elementary is $8,284,489. She explained that Halifax’s assessment for FY26 is $9,030,026.55 which represents a $414,808.83 increase over FY25. She explained that the increase is significantly more than the other towns as there is a portion of the assessment calculation process where the Department of Education allocates Chapter 71 funding to Silver Lake. She said that there was a $400k increase that Halifax had to pay of those funds.
Hickey said that the 18.4 percent increase for the Halifax Elementary School budget is not something the town feels they are able to accommodate. She said that the total cost of education for Halifax combining the budget that was voted on at the last meeting for the elementary school and the Silver Lake assessment is $17,277,137.55 for FY26. This represents a $1.7 million increase or a nearly 11 percent change. Selig clarified that regardless of whether Halifax passes an override, they would still be forced to support the Silver Lake budget if the other two towns did support the figure. Laws asked if that money would come out of the elementary budget or elsewhere in the town. Selig said he believed it was set aside, but needed to verify.
Hickey reviewed the Tier one cuts of approximately $77k that were made back in December. She said that a request was made to see what class sizes would look like if three teachers were cut at a savings of $210,000. She said the estimated class sizes would be 21-23 students in kindergarten through sixth grade.
Tier two cuts, which amount to over $495k, include a grade 3 teacher, a grade 4 teacher, a grade 5 teacher, a grade 6 teacher, a tech teacher, a special educator, and a bus. Tier three cuts, which amount to over $337k, include a math specialist, a reading specialist, a custodian, a 0.5 librarian, and a 0.8 art teacher. Tier four cuts were called unrealistic, but totaled an additional $400k. These would include another kindergarten teacher, a grade 1 teacher, another grade 3 teacher, another grade 4 teacher, and another grade 6 teacher. Tier four cuts would result in some class sizes going up to 35. If Tier two cuts are taken, the increase from FY25 to FY26 goes to 11 percent, adding in Tier three and it drops to 6.5 percent, and with Tier four it becomes less than 1 percent.
There was some discussion about cutting out the cost of a new curriculum. Superintendent Jill Proulx said, “We don’t have a complete K-grade 6 written curriculum in any plan; we won’t have a resource that can be used by all teachers in each grade that is aligned with State standards. We can expect teachers to align their curriculums with State standards but without those materials it is more difficult to do.”
A resident asked why there was a staggering increase to the budget. Proulx said that all of the budget presentations since January are available online and noted that budget discussions have been ongoing since November. She further said, “It’s not just increases in special education albeit that is an area that we don’t have control over… just think about your own grocery bills… the reality is it’s a flaw in the funding mechanism in Chapter 70; the cost to educate is far outstripping the resources to pay for that education.” Selig said that this is not a problem that’s unique to Halifax and noted that he will be asking the rest of the Selectmen to support a letter to State legislators imploring them to look at how they are approaching education funding. “When you have towns like Duxbury that are six million in the hole and Norwell that are five million in the hole… and these are affluent communities, so the fact that you are seeing it across the State means the problem lies a lot higher than Halifax… I urge people to reach out to your representatives at the state level,” Selig said.
Asked about exploring asking residents to pay for full day kindergarten, Hickey said that they would have to first move to half day kindergarten and then ask people to pay for full. Laws said that they would save money either way since if they moved to half day kindergarten, they would save a teacher salary and if people paid for full day, it would make up some of the difference in the deficit. Hickey said that neighboring communities charge between $3k and $3.5k per student for full day kindergarten. Laws pointed out that they would be adding two buses to transport students for half day kindergarten. “So, it would be cutting teachers but adding bus costs… this is why it’s such a hard decision” she said. Hickey said if they had to run three buses it would be approximately $30k to do the midday runs.
Laws said, “If we were to freeze the budget, have some excess funds… I’m just trying to think of ways that we could push some of the special education surplus we have at the moment toward next year.” Hickey said, “Tuitions that were paid in FY24 are reimbursed to us to be used in FY25, so I believe what you’re asking is to freeze the Circuit Breaker account as it stands.” Asked for an estimate, they were told “under “$391,000.” Someone referred to it as “a whole tier [cuts].” Circuit Breaker is Massachusetts’s reimbursement program to help offset the costs of special education. A motion was made that the Superintendent be directed to reduce the Circuit Breaker funding for the FY25 budget by $200,000 which is the projected excess. There was a lot of debate back and forth by the School Committee as it was a “gamble” since there was a possibility that those funds would be needed this school year.
Special Education Director Christine Panarese said, “There’s a lot to win if you take the gamble; I don’t have anything on the horizon that would make me say we need to be cautious here – we need to be conservative. I think it’s pretty safe to say we’re just going to take $200k of that excess we have and apply it to make sure our budget is a little bit better, presentation-wise.” The School Committee discussed cutting both the $200,000 in Circuit Breaker excess and the Tier one cuts of $210,000 from the budget for a total reduction of $410,000. The Committee also discussed reducing the budget by $38k which represented a budgeted out of district placement for FY25 that hadn’t happened.
Asked what would happen if the override doesn’t pass, Laws said all the cuts would happen, including Tier four. “If we don’t get the override and then we’re in a position again next year, we would most likely go into receivership the following year which means the State takes over your school and you do what they say,” Laws said.
The Committee came to the conclusion that cutting as much as possible from the budget request would give the override the best possible chance of passing as they would be asking for under $1 million. The total amount taken from the budget request was just over $448k. The reduction included the Circuit Breaker excess, the tier one cuts, and the out-of-district placement excess. Ultimately, this means that the Halifax School Committee approved $7,648,313 as the FY26 local education operating budget.
The Winnetuxet Big Dig!
The signs have been up to detour around the Winnetuxet Bridge in Plympton for more than a month now. The pretty, picturesque bridge has been taken down to its very bones to make a more sturdy and attractive bridge with a concrete and steel uperstructure and substructure. The old timbers that made up the floor of the bridge are gone and will be replaced with a blacktop surface that is easier to plow and maintain, according to Highway Superintendent Rob Firlotte.
Winnetuxet Rd. residents Kevin and Jackie Rafferty, who walk by almost daily, said the project is slated for completion in late August. The $1.2 million project is Plympton’s answer to The Big Dig!
Women’s History Month author panel to be held at Adams Center
Writers Emily Franklin, Dawn Tripp, and Adelle Waldman will visit the Adams Center (33 Summer Street, Kingston) on Sunday, March 23 at 2 PM, for an author talk celebrating Women’s History Month.
The trio will talk about the female characters in their novels, the ways in which authors researched individuals in stories, and the subject matter. Franklin and Tripp recently authored books featuring Isabella Stewart Gardner (The Lioness of Boston) and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (Jackie) while Waldman published a fictionalized book inspired by her experience unloading boxes at a big box-store, Help Wanted.
Franklin is the bestselling author of more than 20 novels for both adults and young adults, as well as a poetry collection titled, Tell Me How You Got Here. Her award-winning work has appeared in the New York Times, Boston Globe, The Kenyon Review, and other numerous publications. The Lioness of Boston was a Boston Globe and Indie Bookstore bestseller, as it was featured on WBUR’s “Local Authors.” She has been featured on NPR and named notable by the Association of Jewish Libraries.
Franklin lives outside of Boston with her family and two large dogs. You can follow her at
Tripp is the nationally bestselling author of Jackie and Georgia (a fictional novel about Georgia O’Keefe), was a finalist for the New England Book Award and winner of the Mary Lynn Kotz Award for Art in Literature. Her three other previous novels are Game of Secrets, Moon Tide, and The Season of Open Water, which won the Massachusetts Book Award for Fiction. Her poems and essays have appeared in the Virginia Quarterly Review, Harvard Review, Conjunctions, AGNI, and NPR.
Tripp graduated from Harvard and lives in Massachusetts with her sons. For more information about Tripp, her website is
In addition to the novel Help Wanted released in March of 2024, Waldman has also written The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. It was named one of the years best books by the New Yorker, The Economist, NPR, Slate, Bookforum, and the Guardian. Her writing has appeared in the New Yorker, The New York Times, The New York Times Book Review, e Wall Street Journal, Slate and other publications.
Waldman lives in the Hudson Valley with her husband and daughter. You can read more about her by visiting
Books will be on sale following the event for all three authors. This event is generously sponsored by the Kingston Public Library Foundation.
To register for this event, please visit – For more information, you can contact Steven Miller, Reference Librarian at (781) 585-0517 x6272 or at [email protected].
Kingston School Committee avoids override
Alan Ingram
Express correspondent
The Kingston School Committee unanimously approved a level service budget for fiscal year 2026 without requiring a tax override, utilizing emergency shelter funds from the State to close the budget gap.
The committee voted Monday, March 3, to approve a $15,596,804 operating budget, which represents a 7.1% increase over the current fiscal year. The total expenditure for Kingston schools will be $16,991,596 after accounting for additional funding sources.
“We’re not going to need an override to settle our budget tonight,” said Committee Member Jeanne Coleman during the meeting, delivering she called “the good news” that parents and community members had been waiting to hear.
The budget approval comes after weeks of community concern about a potential override that could have reached nearly $1 million. Instead, the committee found alternative funding sources to maintain educational services without additional tax burden.
Business Administrator Sarah Hickey presented a plan to utilize emergency assistance shelter funds received from the state to help close the $1.4 million gap between the committee’s budget and the amount approved by the Kingston Select Board.
“In January of 2025, we received a payment of $338,270.25, of which we talked about allocating $180,000 of that towards salaries in the FY26 budget,” Hickey explained. “And we have been told by the state that we are going to potentially receive an additional $555,464 in those emergency shelter funds.”
The committee voted to allocate $255,110.74 from existing shelter funds already on deposit with the town, plus $341,127.26 from anticipated future payments to balance the budget.
Several parents spoke at the beginning of the meeting in support of maintaining educational services. Barbara Gildea of Crescent Street thanked the committee for “continuing to support our schools and for passing budgets that advocate for level funding.”
“The community is rallying in support of the school budget, and we will continue to do so,” Gildea added, noting that a Facebook group created to help parents advocate for the school budget has attracted more than 300 members.
Jackie Giovannangelo of Franz Lane echoed those sentiments, saying, “We’ve been hard at work over the past month plus, gathering the parents of the town to the Facebook page we created to ensure that as many parents as possible are aware of the budget concerns.”
Committee members acknowledged that while this solution addresses immediate budget needs, it creates challenges for next year since the emergency shelter funds are not a permanent revenue source.
“We’re going to have $800,000 that we need to come up with for next year’s budget,” noted Committee Member Michael Shekane. “We need to be aware that this is a huge hole for next year. We’re just kicking the can down the road.”
The committee also voted to remove a proposed additional English Language teacher position from the budget, saving approximately $65,000. Chair Megan Cannon suggested that if the position becomes necessary, there would still be shelter money available to fund it.
Superintendent Jill Proulx clarified that the budget maintains level services rather than level funding. “A level funded budget, if you were to advocate for that, would actually result in reductions in force,” she explained.
Committee members also discussed the timeline challenges of the budget process, with Coleman noting that state funding numbers often aren’t available until late January, after preliminary budgets are already being presented.
“Our budgets are incomplete if we don’t even know what the state numbers are,” Coleman said. “Last year, if everyone remembers, our budgets went into a tailspin at the end of January when the state numbers were released, like 4% lower than what we were anticipating.”
The total cost of education for Kingston, which includes both the elementary school budget and the town’s assessment for Silver Lake Regional School District, will be $32,770,590.36 for FY26, representing a 4.7% increase over the current year.
The committee’s decision means Kingston will avoid joining the approximately 80 Massachusetts communities that sought education overrides last year, of which only about 40% passed, according to information shared during a previous Silver Lake School Committee meeting.
The committee also heard from Assistant Superintendent Tricia Clifford about ongoing curriculum work, including the development of a district literacy plan and the review of math curriculum materials.
Kristen Pishkin, co-president of the Kingston Teachers Association, thanked officials for securing a level service budget.
“The KTA would like to thank administration, town leadership, School Committee, and all the families working hard to secure a level service budget that will meet the needs of our students,” Pishkin says. “We know it has taken a lot of effort on everyone’s part.”
“So we appreciate everyone’s hard work and sleepless nights. And the teachers’ sleepless nights, too, because a lot of them were very worried what their classrooms would look like and their jobs would look like next year,” Pishkin added.
Halifax Fire Dept. celebrates the women on staff for National Women’s Day
Celebrating the Women of Halifax Fire on National Women’s Day!
Today, we proudly honor the incredible women who make Halifax Fire stronger every day. Thank you to Firefighter Paramedic Bridget Riley, Firefighter EMT Shannon Worton, and our Executive Assistant to the Fire Chief Kendra Kelly for your dedication, service, and commitment to our department and community.
Your hard work and resilience inspire us all. We appreciate everything you do to keep Halifax safe!
Plympton ponders debt exclusion
The Plympton Board of Selectmen met on Monday, Feb. 24. Town Administrator Elizabeth Dennehy provided an update on the FY26 budget. “We’re still working on some of the numbers. We’re running various scenarios to try and see if we can avoid the possibility of an override and, in terms of timeline and everything overall, I think it would make sense for this Board to consider at your next meeting… whether you want to move forward with putting a ballot question on for a debt exclusion for the Fire Station,” she said. Chair John Traynor said, “Unless something changes, we should go ahead even if we decide later to pass over it. The Town Properties Committee has been working on this for over a year and it may not pass at Town Meeting or if it passes, it might not get through the ballot. But at least we should give the people a chance to hear what we’ve been doing.”
Selectman Mark Russo clarified that Proposition 2 ½ would be unlikely though a decision on the debt exclusion would be on the docket. A debt exclusion would allow the town to raise enough funds outside of the levy limit for a specific capital project, in this case the Fire Station.
“If we’re going to avoid an override, I do think we’re going to have to tap into general stabilization a little bit; not nearly as much as that completely outrageous scenario that we were originally looking at,” Dennehy said. She continued, “I feel like the cost of everything, it’s catching up with us.” In order to tap into stabilization, a two-thirds vote at Town Meeting is required as is a yes vote from the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee.
The Selectmen also took up the issue of their social media policy. Traynor said that the current policy states that the Selectmen and the Town will not discuss business over social media. Residents have to write to them or appear before them to bring forth business. Traynor said that he recognizes, however, that those in their twenties, thirties, and forties are more likely to do business over social media. “I see how easily it could become quite complicated… I think it needs work before,” Russo said. Traynor said he agreed and recommended reaching out to Town Counsel. Dennehy said that it might be a good idea to start smaller such as sharing frequently asked questions of each Department on social media. She also suggested putting quarterly updates by each Department Head on social media. Selectman Dana Smith recommended “clear guidelines that are posted on a regular basis that protects what the actual integrity of that website is in that respect because then people know what’s expected of them but also their behaviors similar to our meeting here.”
Dennehy and the Selectmen discussed the Old Townhouse. Dennehy said that the chairlift was fixed again. She did note that if it wasn’t returned to the default position it would drain the battery which proves costly. They named three people to run the smart thermometer. Dennehy also told the Selectmen that the wifi was no longer a problem. She also touched base on the room that required approximately $10k in mold remediation. “Currently there’s no insulation or wall covering,” she said. Dennehy said that the recommendation from Town Properties Committee for covering a heating vent, was to cover it with plywood. She said that they did receive a few quotes ranging from nearly $6k to $10k to fully finish the room.
Traynor explained, “So the Town Properties’ position… is we don’t know what we would do with the room if we had it, so why not just cover the heating unit and then when we do know how we want to use it, that would be the time to finish it off.” Russo said that if the money was available, he would rather see the room completed. The Selectmen voted to have Dennehy explore whether the lower quote was still valid and if it was, move forward with completing the room. Traynor voted nay but was outvoted.
Dennehy said that they also needed to tackle the lighting issue outside. “We did have somebody attend the last meeting that expressed some concerns. As an update to that, there is a streetlight located down the street that we were alerted to at our last meeting that seemed like it was shining at an odd angle.” Dennehy said that a ticket has been put in with Eversource to fix it as it was found to be broken. She continued, “As far as the post at the Old Townhouse, the streetlight is on one side – there were no proposed changes to that at this time.” Dennehy said that a request has been put in with Eversource to remove a square floodlight that illuminates a lot more than just the front of the building. The Town Properties Committee will be working on getting pricing for more appropriate lighting for the building that won’t be obtrusive to the neighbors.
Dennehy reviewed the warrant articles with the Selectmen. She said that she inquired about the cost to change the Board of Selectmen name to Select Board and was told it would be roughly $1k. She also said that the Highway Department is looking for $250k this year instead of the customary $200k for roadway work. Traynor said, “I’m aware they got $111,000 Chapter 90 money supplemental and it seems to me that should be enough but we’ll discuss it as we get closer.”
Traynor gave a special shout out to the Two Grannies on the Road. “They came to Plympton – if you don’t know them, they are two ladies, grandmothers, who are going around to visit every town in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts… there’s 351 towns, they’ve done 94, well now it’s 95 with Plympton,” Traynor said. He said that they videotaped places like the Equine Center. Traynor said he would like to see those videos go up on the town website for residents to see.
Halifax ATM warrant will close March 11 for citizen petitions
The warrant is now open for Halifax’s 2025 Annual Town Meeting which is scheduled to occur on Monday, May 12, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. at the Halifax Elementary School. Citizen petitions must be submitted to the Town Clerk’s Office by 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2025.
In order to participate in Town Meeting, residents must be registered to vote. The voter registration deadline to participate in the 2025 Annual Town Meeting is Friday, May 2, 2025. For all questions relating to Voter Registration, contact the Town Clerk’s Office by calling (781) 293-7970 or e-mailing [email protected].
Any questions regarding the Annual Town Meeting, submitting warrant articles, etc. should be directed to the Board of Selectmen’s Office by calling (781) 294-1316 or e-mailing [email protected].
A copy of the Warrant will be posted on the Town’s website and mailed to every household when it becomes available.
Revision 2/13/2025 10:26 am: Correction of the citizen petition submission deadline; Tuesday, March 11th, 2025.
Learning is Loud!
Samantha Perry
Express correspondent
Officially known as the Head of Youth Services for Kingston Public Library, Holly Iannucci is better known to the kids of Kingston as “Miss Holly”. She is warm and welcoming, a joy for parents and children alike. Holly’s dedication to what she does is clear to all who have the pleasure of spending time in the Kingston Public Library’s Children’s Room. An education major in college, Holly spent the first 14 years of her career in early childhood education before moving on to the Holmes Public Library in Halifax, and then the Kingston Public Library she now calls home.
Holly’s family has lived in Kingston for generations and it was always a goal of hers to give back to the community she grew up in. You may know her grandfather as the owner of Kingston Block which has been in business since 1948. She recalls spending her free time at the Kingston Public Library growing up, shelving books alongside then-librarian, Joan Enriquez. Joan quickly became one of Holly’s greatest mentors.
Holly describes the library the way some people describe trusted family and friends: safe, comforting and resilient. “If you are new in town and don’t know anyone, if you need a safe place to go, go to the library,” she says. “Libraries have been here since the ancient Greeks, they will always be here, they just won’t always look the same.” Holly explains that the landscape of libraries has already changed drastically to accommodate for the shifts in our world. It used to be a space where community members typically came to work quietly or in solitude. Children’s Programs such as Storytime were offered in the past, but often felt serious and structured. “Now,” Holly says, “Learning is Loud!”
Kingston Public Library offers many Children’s programs that Holly refers to as educational entertainment. Kids can come as they are, pick up a variety of skills and have fun while doing it. Holly describes the Children’s Room as a “community living room where children can come and learn through play.” As a Kingston parent myself, I have had the pleasure of joining Miss Holly for Babies and Bubbles where parents, caregivers, and their little ones gather together for songs, stories and – of course – bubbles! It is a wonderful chaos of little voices, tiny hands clapping, caregivers chasing after fast feet, knowing glances from one mama to another, and many wide-eyed babies just taking it all in. At first glance the program is very much geared towards babies and creating a safe space for learning, but in so many ways it is for caregivers also. “There are mothers at home who need to get out of the house for their own mental health, nannies can make friends with other caregivers, and infants can make their first friends,” Holly says. The benefits are boundless. Babies and Bubbles is offered on Fridays at 10:30 a.m. for children 0-2 years.
Preschool Storytime is also offered at Kingston Public Library on Thursdays and most Fridays at 11:30 a.m. for children 3+ years. Children can expect lots of laughing, silly songs, learning their numbers and letters, crafts and – of course – storytime! For children who have not yet entered Kindergarten, Preschool Storytime is great practice for them. “When kids go to kindergarten so much is expected of them,” Holly explains. For some children, particularly those who are not enrolled in preschool programs, this is the first time adults other than their parents or caregivers are giving them instruction. Holly has created a safe space where kids can be free to have their first outside-of-the-home learning experience with loved ones nearby.
Holly’s passion for her work, and for libraries, is contagious. She explains that libraries have the ability to level the economic playing fields within the communities they support. “For lots of kids it is the first time they use a computer,” Holly shares. Kids who are looking for the latest book, video game, or even boardgames can get them for free at the library. There are a variety of apps included with a Kingston Public Library card such as Kanopy, Hoopla and Libby where members can access eBooks, audiobooks, movies, TV, music and more – all for free.
Holly urges us all to explore these resources and get involved in your local library. “It doesn’t matter if you use our library, just use a library. No matter where you stand in this world, how rich or poor, your race or your gender, you are welcome at the library.”
The Kingston Public Library is located at 6 Green Street in Kingston, MA and their website is
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