April is Autism Awareness month and the Plympton Police are hoping citizens in the area will reach out to buy a special Plympton Police Autism Awareness patch. The price is only $12 and it shows your support for a noble cause.
The program is sponsored by former Patriots’ player Doug Flutie, whose son Doug Flutie, Jr., is on the Autism spectrum.
When Plympton Police were invited by the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism to take part in this fundraising for a cause they didn’t hesitate.
Chief Matt Clancy and his department pulled together and designed this beautiful Plympton Police Autism Awareness patch that all the officers will be wearing for the month of April.
How can you get one? Let Sgt. Steve Teri know how many you would like, make out a check to “The Doug Flutie Jr Foundation for Autism” for the number of patches times the $12 fee, then email Sgt. Steve at [email protected] to arrange a convenient time for pickup.
All of the money raised goes to The Doug Flutie, Jr Foundation for Autism to help people whose families are impacted by Autism.