The Plympton Board of Selectmen share a light moment last fall. (File photo by Abram Neal)
PLYMPTON — On Monday, Jan. 14, 2019, Plympton Selectmen met for a brief working meeting to develop their 2019 priorities and goals.
Eight goals were identified, and although the board will finalize their wording at the next BOS meeting, they agreed on the following general concepts:
• Continuing to professionalize financial and town operations
The board said they are happy with the progress being made in this direction and wish to continue to professionalize the town’s operations.
• Master plan for town campus
The board said they see this as the long-term legacy they will leave the town and hope to have a master plan similar to Carver or Lakeville. The Old Colony Planning Council is assisting in this process.
• Grant acquisition
The board is exploring hiring a grant-writer for the town. One candidate will be at the next BOS meeting.
• Volunteer outreach and strengthening committee structure
The board said they are concerned about filling positions on town committees and are looking for creative new ways to find volunteers for committees and boards that will likely have upcoming vacancies, such as the Zoning Board of Appeals.
• Support the Town Administrator’s goals
While it is the job of the Town Administrator to support the board’s goals, the board also wants to support the Town Administrator’s goals.
• Affordable housing and utilization of town parcels
The board agreed that affordable and senior housing is desperately needed in Plympton, and one solution to this may be utilizing town-owned parcels of land for this purpose.
• Fiscally sound governance
The board said they wish to govern in a fiscally responsible manner.
• Continue protecting Plympton’s natural resources and rural character
The board says they recognize that the citizens of Plympton value their natural resources and rural character.
The BOS will next meet on Monday, Jan. 28, 2019, at 6 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room of Town House.