On Dec. 14, 2021, at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Plympton Board of Health the following Guidance Order was approved by a vote of 3-0.
Plympton Town House COVID Guidance
As the rate of positive Covid-19 cases has risen in Plympton to over 12%, there is concern about the health and safety of those working in and making visits to the Plympton Town House. The Plympton Board of Health provides the following guidance in regards to use of the building:
• 1. Activities in the Town House will be limited to those necessary for conducting town business. Any non-essential activities or gatherings will be suspended until further notice.
• 2. Only one visitor from the public will be able to access each individual department at a time. Signs will be provided with this guidance.
• 3. The Emergency Management Director will provide lobby personnel to reinforce this guidance and manage access in accordance with #2 above.
• 4. Town Boards and Committees will be encouraged to conduct remote meetings when possible.
Our hope is that visitors will take advantage of the procedures in place to take care of their business remotely. If in person visits are required, visitors will be encouraged to conduct their business according to this Order to protect the health and safety of visitors and town employees.
This guidance will be reevaluated after January 15, 2022 or as appropriate due to new information or changes in State or CDC requirements.
The first priority of all Boards of Health in the Commonwealth is protecting the health and safety of their citizens during this difficult time and the Board of Health will continue to recommend best practices and protocol around social distancing and gathering guidelines, and appreciates your cooperation in adhering to this guidance.
So Ordered Plympton Board of Health