Effective September 4th, 2023, the Town of Halifax’s Trash and Recycling Program will undergo significant changes.
For trash, the Town will be transitioning away from the Pay as You Throw (PAYT) program and instead, provide 64-gallon curbside totes. If interested in enrolling in the Town’s trash and recycling program, you MUST OPT-IN either online using the web form at https://www.halifax-ma.org/recycling-solid-waste/webforms/fy-2024-curbside-collection-program and click the Opt-In to the Curbside Collection Program button at the bottom of the page or by filling-out and returning the form included with the postcard that was mailed to all Halifax residents.
The new program will include weekly curbside pickup of the 64-gallon tote for trash and the existing bi-weekly recycling collection. If enrolled in the program and a resident has trash beyond what will fit in the tote, blue bags can still be purchased and placed on top of the closed tote. The total annual cost is expected to be $400, billed twice per year at the rate of $200 for each billing period. Residents will no longer have the option of having recycling collection only but will have the ability to purchase a recycling sticker and utilize the drop-off service at the Recycling Center.
Cart delivery will occur throughout the latter part of August. In order to be sure that a tote is delivered to your home in ample time for the September 4th, 2023, start, the opt-in form must be submitted online or received by the Halifax Recycling Center by August 16th, 2023. Any forms received after this date, may result in a tote delivery after the start date, effectively leaving you without trash and recycling services.
For questions, please contact the Recycling Center by calling (781) 293-1732 or e-mailing [email protected].