Deb Anderson
Express staff
Wednesday, Dec. 18, upper Main Street in Plympton closed to traffic to allow something seldom seen these days – a house moving down the road.
From 65 Crescent St., diagonally across from the Dennett Elementary School down the street and around the corner, the house was moved to its new location at 112 Main St.
The building, a classic Cape Cod style house, was also known as the old Plympton Almshouse. Jen Macdonald and Mike Lemieux, owners of Full Circle Homes, saw the potential in the project and hired Gordon Building Movers, the oldest family-owned and operated business in Hingham, who have done this sort of thing countless times in their storied 125-year plus history. Five generations of Gordons have been involved in this business, so Jen and Mike chose a business with lots of experience.
The move itself took more than six hours to accomplish, and the house now sits on its new location.
Jen told The Express, “It is now sitting on our lot at 112 Main St. for a further renovation and we are excited to restore it.” Mike is also enthusiastic about the new project, “It was quite the endeavor, and we still have a ways to go!!”
We can’t wait to see how this one comes out.
You can follow Mike and Jen of Full Circle Homes on their youtube channel, where they plan to show the journey of the Almshouse as an episode. See lots of in-depth details of how to’s there.