KINGSTON — Massachusetts writers Nicole Asselin, Louisa Clerici, Kate Flora, and Sarah Smith will visit the Faunce School, 16 Green St., on Wednesday, Aug. 23, at 6 p.m. for a Sisters in Crime: Mystery Making Panel.
In this interactive workshop, four mystery authors representing different sub-genres, including cozy/traditional and thriller/suspense, will brainstorm on their feet to create a brand-new mystery using suggestions provided by the audience. This fun, fast-paced, and fascinating improv game offers important insights into mystery writers’ minds and the conventions of the genre.
Asselin, who spent her formative high-school years in Pennsylvania, always identified with her New England roots. Her family is originally from Connecticut as her grandfather introduced her to the Boston Red Sox and her grandmother got her interested in mystery novels. These two loves are combined into her Ballpark Mystery series. Asselin presently works just outside of Boston as a Technical Writer, and lives on the South Shore with her three cats.
Clerici’s stories have been published in literary anthologies and magazines, including Carolina Woman Magazine, Istanbul Literary Review, and Best New England Crime Stories anthologies 2016, 2015, and 2012. Her latest publication is Capers, Crooks, & Kitchens, a Fest of Mystery and Magic, a collection of her stories paired with recipes, published in 2022. Clerici is a writer for The Plymouth Cookbook, a fiction editor of Pink Panther Magazine, and she works as a therapist at Clear Mind Systems in Plymouth.
Flora’s fascination with people’s criminal tendencies began in the Maine Attorney General’s office. As the author of 24-books spanning many genre’s including crime fiction, true crime, memoir, non-fiction, and many short stories. She has been a finalist for the Edgar, Agatha, Anthony, and Derringer awards while she won the Public Safety Writers Association award for non-fiction in 2015, and the Maine Literary Award for crime fiction in 2013 and 2015. Flora has taught writing for numerous organizations and institutions as she is a former international president of Sisters in Crime. She divides her time between Massachusetts and Maine.
Smith is an Agatha Award winner and Massachusetts Book Award winner for her 2010 young adult novel, The Other Side of Dark. She has studied at Harvard, where she hung out in the library reading mysteries, and film in London. As the writer of a bestselling adult mystery series set in the Edwardian period, two of those books were named New York Times Notable Books of the Year. The first of these books, The Vanished Child, is being made into a musical and her stand-alone novel, Chasing Shakespeares is being made into a play. Her most recent book is about a multicultural Titanic mystery, Crimes and Survivors, was published in 2020.
Patrons will be able to meet all four authors following the event.
Sisters in Crime is an international organization dedicated to the professional development and advancement of women crime writers. With sixty chapters worldwide, the organization welcomes anyone who loves crime fiction. Their New England chapter hosts in-person and virtual events throughout the year, from craft workshops, to author showcases, to business and marketing advice for authors at every stage of their careers.
To register for this event, please visit – For more information, you can contact Steven Miller, Reference Librarian at (781) 585-0517 x6272 or at [email protected].
Open rehearsals and auditions for Pilgrim Festival Chorus
PLYMOUTH – Pilgrim Festival Chorus (PFC), a South Shore-based premiere volunteer community choral ensemble, invites singers to “Open Rehearsals and Auditions” on Mondays, Sept. 11 and 18, 6:30 p.m., at Faith Community Church, 29 Carver Rd., Plymouth. Artistic Directors William B. Richter and Elizabeth Chapman Reilly welcome newcomers of all skill levels to learn about PFC and audition for vocal placement if they wish. Rehearsals immediately follow from 7 to 9 p.m. and continue weekly throughout the fall season. “Open Rehearsals and Auditions” are welcoming, casual, and free to attend. Attendees enjoy singing with PFC for the first two weeks without commitment. Membership information is available at rehearsal, and at
Pilgrim Festival Chorus’s fall rehearsals prepare the ensemble for its holiday season concert “Christmas Joy,” with performances on Friday, Dec. 1, at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 2, at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, Dec. 3, at 4 p.m., at St. Bonaventure Parish, 803 State Road, Plymouth. PFC continues its annual tradition of joyful music making at Christmastime, a highlight of the magical season.
In “Christmas Joy,” choral singers blend their voices with the sounds of harp, marimba, and guitar in Conrad Susa’s Spanish collection “Carols and Lullabies of the Southwest.” Enjoy “Ceremony of Carols,” a beloved work by Benjamin Britten, and delight in John Rutter’s lilting “Dancing Day,” a collection of English carols arranged for women’s voices. Tickets are now available at
Since 1999, PFC has been dedicated to presenting diverse choral works that educate, enrich, and engage both its members and South Shore audiences. More than 80 vocalists of all adult ages from more than 18 South Shore communities fill out the ensemble. In addition to the winter concert, PFC presents an annual “Messiah Sing” in December, a larger choral work in spring, and summer concerts featuring lighter pops-style programming. Members also perform in smaller volunteer groups engaging in community events. PFC members are drawn from diverse skill sets and backgrounds – from amateur hobby and choir singers to music educators and professional choir directors.
For more information about membership and auditions, call William Richter at 781-789-3343 or email [email protected]. For more information about this season’s rehearsal schedule and repertoire, or to purchase tickets, visit, email [email protected], or follow Pilgrim Festival Chorus on Facebook and Instagram.
Pilgrim Festival Chorus (PFC) is a volunteer, not-for-profit community choral ensemble dedicated to presenting diverse choral works that educate, enrich, and engage both its members and audiences in Southeastern Massachusetts. PFC is funded in part by grants from several of the region’s Cultural Councils, local agencies supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. PFC concerts are produced in cooperation with See Plymouth and Plymouth County Commissioners.
For more information, visit, email [email protected], or follow Pilgrim Festival Chorus on Facebook and Instagram.
COA Highlighted at Halifax BOS meeting
The Halifax Board of Selectmen met on Tuesday, July 25. They continued their on the road summer series, highlighting different departments at their meetings. Chair John Bruno explained that due to difficulties with holding the meeting in the actual Council on Aging (COA), they elected to move it to the Great Hall in the Town Hall. Bruno said that due to the size of the crowd as well as the lack of handicap access, the meeting would have needed to be held outside and since it was raining, it was moved. He turned things over to COA Director Darlene Regan. Regan, who has been the Director since 2021, spoke of the need for a new COA building. “As a community if we band together, bring your thoughts together, I think we can build a senior center and a community center that is conducive to the needs here in Halifax,” she said. Regan said she was hoping to be able to have a feasibility study completed.
“Right now, we serve about 2,033 seniors in the senior center… the majority of our services are in transportation,” Regan explained. She noted that Halifax is unique because they have three dedicated drivers that serve seniors and the disabled. She said that the COA assists with finding adult daycare as well as providing questions regarding MassHealth and Medicare. “Thank you for all that you do; it’s marvelous work that you do over there – we like to have the opportunity to highlight it tonight; even though it’s a quiet organization to a lot of us, it’s very active and busy,” Bruno said.
Noise Complaints at 122 Monponsett
The Great Hall was filled with residents, most of whom were there to discuss noise complaints at 122 Monponsett St. The property is owned by Angel Castro. Castro had someone present to translate for him in Spanish. “He wants to start off by saying that he wants to apologize to the neighbors and to the city for all of the noise and complaints that he has caused, and he hopes today that they can resolve this,” the translator said. Bruno clarified that while you can play a radio, if you amplify it or have live music, you need a permit by the Board of Selectmen. The translator said that Castro believed that the permit he received in March could be used for future parties/events. Bruno asked if it was clear to him now that each individual event would need a separate permit. Castro asked if there was a permit that could be applied for that would cover multiple events. Bruno noted that he was in a residential property and was not a business and therefore would need to apply for individual permits for each event.
“The permits will be issued for that type of entertainment, but they have restrictions on them,” Bruno said referring to start and end times as well as other restrictions. He continued, “He has to understand that he can’t hold large parties and gatherings with amplified music or disc jockeys unless he gets permission to do it.” Castro said through his translator that the events he was holding were for family and friends. Bruno brought up the claim that Castro was charging admission for events. Castro claimed that he was unaware that his friend would be charging admission for the event held in February.
Some residents in the audience disputed this stating their belief that he was aware. Castro assured those present, through the translator, that he was clear that he would need a permit for each event and that he was not allowed to charge admission. Bruno said that he wanted it to be clear that if he doesn’t follow the proper procedures, the Police may become involved. Selectman Jonathan Selig asked for clarification regarding whether the only time a party was advertised for was the one in February. Castro said that he believed two parties were advertised – one in June and one in February. A resident asked if the permit stipulates how many people are allowed to attend a party. Bruno said that the permit process goes through both the Fire and Police Chiefs. Town Administrator Cody Haddad said that the Chiefs had no concerns over the number of people allowed under the permit. Another resident complained about the lights coming in through his windows from cars, etc. in addition to the noise. “I don’t want people in my neighborhood; I don’t know who they are; I pay a lot of money in taxes in this town and I don’t want people I don’t know walking down my street,” another resident complained. Castro pointed out that he also pays taxes. The discussion ended with Bruno saying he hoped that it would be the last time that the issue would have to be dealt with.
Committee and Board Changes
Jonathan Schmaling resigned from the Finance Committee. Haddad said that it would leave the Committee with two vacancies but noted that they had interviewed a candidate recently.
Bruno brought up the composition of the Zoning By-Law Review Committee. He said that Haddad did some research and the Committee had been together a long time and had not met in quite a while. “We tried about a week ago to get the Committee together to get things moving and we couldn’t get a quorum so that tells me that we need to revise it,” Bruno told the other Selectmen. “My recommendation is that we revise… the Zoning By-Law Review Committee… and that what I would do is make the composition five members… one of whom has to be from the Board of Selectmen and that Selectman would be the Chair,” Bruno continued. Bruno suggested four additional members-at-large though Selig recommended giving “strong consideration” to members of boards such as the Planning Board. The Selectmen voted unanimously to reappoint or appoint members to the Zoning By-Law Review Committee to align with Bruno’s recommendations.
Town Administrator Updates
Regarding the MBTA Action Plan, Haddad said, “We have been in contact with our local delegation who has been great in getting us in contact with the Department of Housing and Community Development… Mr. Selig and I actually have a meeting with them on Thursday.”
Haddad said that the town signed a contract with a company to conduct a compensation classification study as requested by the Wage and Personnel Committee. The results will be brought before the Selectmen and Wage and Personnel and any needed changes can be voted on during the fall Town Meeting. Haddad told the Selectmen that they have hired someone to the new position of Zoning and Planning Admin. He said that while they are almost at full staff, they are still looking for a new Building Commissioner. Haddad also said that they are moving forward with receiving bids on the replacement of the roof at the Highway Barn.
Haddad also provided an update on the new trash and recycling program. He specified that it is an opt-in program with an annual fee of $400 that will be billed in two installments of $200. Residents can opt-in by either mailing in the card that was mailed out to residents or dropping it off at Town Hall. There is also an online form available. “We’re really doing everything that we can to get the word out on this,” Haddad said.
The town is hoping to have the cards in by August 16 with the switch to totes being effective on September 4. “You will put the trash in the totes, you wheel your totes to the curb, trash truck comes along and picks it up,” Haddad explained. Haddad said that they will be issuing a frequently asked questions document.
He noted that they have been asked if residents can share totes and emphatically answered that they cannot.
The Curious Case of the Vegetable Thief
by Linda Ibbitson Hurd
Special to The Express
In the Summer of 1960 when I was 13, I spent a lot of time with my best friend. We were the same age, and both named Linda. She was the youngest of six siblings and I was the oldest of four. We lived in Hanson, I on upper Elm Street and she down the end where it went into Halifax. She and her sister had the choice of attending school in Hanson or Halifax as the town line went through the middle of their house. They chose Hanson. The house, a big two-story old Colonial, was on a beautiful plot of land where there was also a barn with a second story which housed a wrought iron workshop where her grandfather worked and a kennel for Golden Retrievers attached to the rear of the house.
One particular Saturday night when I had been invited for the weekend, Linda and I were having supper with three of her sisters, her brother-in-law, their small daughter and Linda’s parents and grandfather. The conversation turned to a situation the married sister and her husband were going through. From the beginning of Summer when their vegetable garden started producing, they found some missing when they got up in the morning along with shoe tracks in the garden soil. Then one morning they found a few items missing from their barn, which was a good distance from the street but right beside the house. They lived down the end of Elm Street near Hudson Street and not too far from Linda’s house. Their garden was in their side yard not far from the street. The Police were investigating.
When supper was over, Linda and I helped watch her two-year-old niece until her parents took her home. After they left and everyone headed for the TV set, we went outside to walk around until her mother called us in, saying it was time for bed. With lights off in every room and the house so quiet, we stayed up talking for a while in whispers. We were sitting on her bed when she looked at me and said, “Let’s go catch that burglar!” “How’re we going to do that without waking everybody up?”, I asked. “I’ll show you,” she said.
We dressed in dark colors, took the sheets off the two beds in her room, tied them together then put them around the bed post closest to the window and took out the screen. She dropped the sheets down, only a few feet from the ground and we climbed out. We moved quickly to the road before anyone could see us and hoped her grandfather wasn’t up. It was a beautiful, still, summer night and the moon wasn’t quite full. We walked the distance to her sister’s house. The garden was full except for the bare spots where things had been taken and the lettuce and squash were closest and rather large. Linda whispered, “lie down between the rows of lettuce and don’t make a sound!” As we crouched to lie down in the dirt between the rows of lettuce, she stepped on a dry twig which snapped, making a louder than usual sound in the stillness of the night. In the dirt we were lying flat with her nails dug into my thigh when she whispered, “don’t even breathe”. All of a sudden, the back door slammed open under the overhead light and her brother-in-law Ray stepped out with a shotgun bellowing, “Who’s there!?” A shot rang out and we could hear it whizzing over our heads. Before another shot was fired, Linda stoop up screaming, “Ray, it’s us, me and Linda, don’t shoot!!” He made an anguished sound and broke the shot gun in half over his thigh, yelling, “Get in here right now, both of you!”
In we shuffled, heads down and were ordered into the spacious living room with wide speckled gray floorboards. We sat and awaited our fate. We got the third degree and answered all their questions. Ray was shaking and his wife Florence was sheet white. “Do you know I could have killed you, what were you thinking?!!! “That we wanted to catch your burglar”, Linda said. He looked at me waiting for an answer “I wanted to help”, I said. He put his head in his hands. After almost an hour and all the lecturing, he looked at Linda and said, “I’ll take you home and talk to your mother.” He looked at me and said, “You call your father right now!” Oh my God, I thought, I’m dead. I didn’t want to do it but I knew there was no way out of it. Linda argued for me but both Ray and Florence were adamant. I called my dad.
When my dad came and talked to Ray and Florence and we headed for home, he was very calm and never said a word. I could sense he wasn’t mad, not even lecturing me. I was relieved. The drive home was barely two minutes, we weren’t far from where they lived. My mom met us at the door, intensely upset chiding, “Do you realize a policeman could be carrying you home dead in his arms? do you know that!?” I looked at her and said, “well, he isn’t and I’m not”. “Go to your room!!” She shrilled. I went.
Linda and I weren’t allowed to get together for a while, we knew things had to cool down first. We both realized we were wrong and learned the valuable lessons of noninterference, that well-meaning intentions can go terribly wrong, and consequen-ces can be irreversible. These have held us in good stead.
Thrilled, proud, and emotional
That’s how Kingston’s Sienna Harrington described her recent trip to Missouri earlier this month, which culminated with her U14 Girls’ South Shore Select Soccer Club team winning the national championship.
“It feels surreal and exciting because the skill level and competitiveness of the other teams from all over the country we were going against were so good,” Harrington said. “They were very physical and fast paced games. Every player on the Select 09 GA team worked so hard all year to get to where we are and am so proud of everyone.”
Harrington’s club kicked off the July 6-9 trip with a 1-0 victory over the South Carolina Surf SC. It then beat the Philadelphia Ukrainian Nationals, 2-1, to earn a spot in the finals. It was there where the South Shore Select doubled up TopHat, 2-1, for the crown.
“The excitement of beating some of the top-ranked teams in the country and advancing from game to game until we were national champions was definitely a highlight,” Harrington said. “Especially because we came from behind and won our last two games, 2-1, in the second half of the game.”
Her favorite memory?
“[It] was when I was on the field and the whistle blew during the championship game,” she said. “Our whole team was celebrating on the field and the Select 06 team that was watching came running out on the field too.”
Harrington, an incoming freshman at Silver Lake, has now shifted her focus to the high school pitch.
“I’m going to spend the next six weeks continuing to work on my speed and agility to prepare for high school tryouts at the end of August,” she said.
~ Nate Rollins
Selectmen reject name change…again
The Plympton Board of Selectmen met in-person on June 26. As he has done in the past, Selectman John Traynor brought forth the issue of changing the name of the Board of Selectmen to the Select Board. “I saw a Boston Globe article that said we are now at about 100 towns that have either made the renaming or not all of them are not yet official, but they are in progress. And I just think it’s going to happen, I would just like to see this Board approve it,” Traynor said. Selectman Mark Russo said that he still was not in favor of the renaming. Selectman Christine Joy said, “I don’t really care about keeping up with everyone else; I like the name Board of Selectmen. I actually find it very empowering to be on the Board of Selectmen and I just think I’m not ready to make the change yet.” Traynor said, “That’s alright, I’ll just keep bringing it up.”
The Selectmen voted to allow a one-time increase to the cost-of-living adjustment granted to retirees for FY23. Town Administrator Liz Dennehy recommended the adjustment.
Dennehy also provided a Town Administrator’s update saying, “we have been very busy trying to close out FY 23 and also beginning the preparations for FY24. She told the Selectmen there were a number of items in correspondence.
Dennehy said that Upland Road Solar is changing ownership entities. She said that there would be a lot of documentation associated with that and recommended that the Board vote to allow Joy to act on behalf of the entire Board. The documents would still appear before the entire Board for approval once finalized. The Selectmen voted to authorize Joy to work with the Town Administrator and Legal Counsel regarding all documents pertaining to Upland Road Solar with the understanding that the finalized documents would come back before the full Board.
Dennehy also told the Selectmen that she had a request from the Library for use of town property. The Library was requesting the use of the Deborah Sampson room in the Town House for estate planning on July 18 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Selectmen voted to approve.
Highway Superintendent Rob Firlotte met with Dennehy to discuss several roads that will be undergoing work. Dennehy said that Elm St. would be getting paved from Main St. to Winnetuxet Rd. and West St. She also said that Main St. would be getting a binder course to bring it back up to grade from roughly 149 Main St. to Ring Rd. “As the time gets closer, we’ll put stuff out on social media if we need to,” Dennehy said.
Dennehy further told the Selectmen that she received a memo from the Board of Health, who had contacted Webby Engineering to look at the elevations between the Fire Department and the Library. She said the hope was that the current Fire Station could tie into the Library septic system, but they were told it was not feasible. She said she would be sending the results of the study to the Town Properties Committee.
The Selectmen ended their evening with their raves for the last few weeks. Joy said her rave was for the screening committee responsible for bringing forth three excellent candidates for the position of Fire Chief. She announced that earlier that evening, the Selectmen had voted unanimously to appoint Captain Cheryl Davis as Plympton’s next Fire Chief. For his rave, Russo said, “It is a great pleasure to me that the little town of Plympton would have a woman Fire Chief.” Traynor said, “My rave is for the Assistant Assessor Wendy Jones. I’m sad to see her leaving; I think she’s done a great job. We’re losing a critical resource – I’m sorry to see her go.” Traynor also noted her excellent work on the complicated subject of solar and said that she would still be assisting with that in some capacity during the transition.
$170,006 in ARPA funds for Plympton
Friday morning, June 30, Plymouth County Treasurer Tom O’Brien brought good news to Plympton by way of a very large check! This $170,006 was from ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds and will be used to replace a Silver Lake HVAC rooftop unit replacement. From left are Plympton Police Lieutenant Daniel Hoffman, Plymouth County Commissioner Gregory Hanley, Plympton Selectman John A. Traynor, Jr., Plymouth County Treasurer Thomas O’Brien, Town Administrator Elizabeth Dennehy, Plymouth County Commissioner Jared Valanzola, and Plympton Police Chief Matthew Ahl.
Photo by Sandi Neumiester
Halifax fireworks can be seen July 1
The tradition continues, thanks to community contributions and stalwart volunteers who put everything together and clean it all up.
The Town of Halifax’s Fireworks Celebration, coordinated by the members of the Fireworks Committee, is scheduled for Saturday, July 1. There will be a day event from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and an evening event from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. that will include a variety of fun-packed and family-oriented activities such as a DJ, food vendors, dunk tank, and much more. Day Event Activities from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. include T-Shirt Sales, Corn Hole, Hula Hoops, Cookie Decorating, Dunk Tank, and Face Painting.
Evening Event Activities from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. include Food Trucks , DJ/Music, Face Painting, Balloon Animals, and of course Fireworks (after dark)
The Halifax Fireworks Committee is also seeking volunteers on July 1 to assist with setting-up and running activities throughout the day and also on July 2 to help with clean-up. If you can volunteer, please e-mail Janice Hayward at [email protected] or Susan Hill at [email protected].
This event is made possible by the support and funding from residents, guests, sponsors, and local businesses. We are thankful to all who have contributed towards continuing the tradition. Everyone is invited to take part in watching one of Halifax’s grand community events as we celebrate our nation’s birthday alongside friends, family, and neighbors.
Halifax Outside Watering Restrictions
As of June, 1, 2023, the following outside water restrictions were put in place.
MONDAY: EVEN NUMBERED HOUSES 5 – 8 a.m. and 6 – 9 p.m.
TUESDAY: ODD NUMBERED HOUSES 5 – 8 a.m. and 6 – 9 p.m
THURSDAY: EVEN NUMBERED HOUSES 5 – 8 a.m. and 6 – 9 p.m
FRIDAY: ODD NUMBERED HOUSES 5 – 8 a.m. and 6 – 9 p.m
Sprinklers are allowed during the above specified hours. Washing cars is allowed during the above specified hours even on a no watering day.
If these restrictions are not adhered to the following fines will be enforced:
1st Offense – Verbal Warning
2nd Offense – $50.00 fine
3rd Offense – $100.00 fine
If you have a well, please go to the Board of Health and obtain a well or irrigation well
number. THIS NUMBER MUST BE POSTED ON THE FRONT LAWN. To prevent the Water Department or Police, who enforce this policy, from stopping at your house,
The Board of Water Commissioners appreciates your cooperation.
Kingston BOS hears kelp farm proposal
The Kingston Board of Selectmen met on Tuesday, June 6. Jared Waitkus appeared before the Board with a proposal for a sugar kelp/shellfish farm. Waitkus told the Selectmen that he has been on the oyster wait list since 2015. He referenced a book called Eat Like a Fish by Bren Smith. Waitkus said Smith is the founder of GreenWave and has spent 15 years creating the 3D Ocean Farm off Long Island. Waitkus included in his presentation, “GreenWave’s integrated model shifts the practice of aquaculture from growing vulnerable monocultures to creating vibrant ecosystems, which produce higher yields.”
Waitkus explained that sugar kelp is a “yellowish- brown marine algae that looks like lasagna.” He also said it is popular in Asia and is now becoming more popular in the U.S. He called it a “zero impact crop.” Regarding the benefits of growing it, he said, “sugar kelp consumes excess nutrients and carbon dioxide from the water column and give off oxygen as they grow.”
Regarding the grant layout, he said that it would be just under three acres, 200 ft. wide by 645 ft. long. He said that the sugar kelp would make up approximately two acres while the shellfish would take up approximately one acre.
Waitkus explained the seeding process saying, “They take PVC pipe in short lengths, they wrap it with a thin twine, and then they put it in tanks and that’s where it gets seeded with basically baby kelp.”
Waitkus also explained potential locations saying that they investigated three different locations. According to him, the nearest land is 2,520 ft. away, Gray’s Beach is 3,175 ft. away, and the nearest eel grass bed is 189 ft. away (well within requirements). Waitkus said, “Channel width at that location is approximately 350 ft. wide and with the farm there, there will still be 200 ft. of open channel for boats to navigate.” He noted that Duxbury has a 12-acre kelp farm that is currently being farmed.
Chair Kimberley Emberg, “Is there enough room to navigate around that, it looked like there are very few deep spots and channels in the bay?” Waitkus said, “Even with that, with the farm there, when it’s fully operational and the kelp is in the water, there’s still 200 feet for boating; I think the average boat in Kingston is no wider than eight feet wide.”
“The hope after talking to Woods Hole is to try to get approval from the State to do basically scallops, mussels, oysters, and sugar kelp,” Waitkus said. He clarified that the sugar kelp would account for 80 percent of the farming. Waitkus acknowledged that there could be a potential issue as he is number two on the waitlist for a shellfish grant and there is someone ahead of him. “We have a waitlist for shellfish, so I just want to make sure that we’re cognizant of that,” Emberg said. She also said that at this point she wanted to consider a sugar kelp grant rather than a dual one for that and shellfish.
Selectman Tyler Bouchard said, “We have a moratorium on new grants… there’s three and at this point, it doesn’t seem like there’s going to be more than three for the time period and obviously you are on the short end of that list, which is great.” Bouchard said that he would want to make absolutely certain that the 250 feet or 350 feet are navigable given the limited waters in Kingston. Town Administrator Keith Hickey said that he would want to verify that emergency boats would still be able to navigate around the farm in the event of an emergency.
Bouchard also said that another consideration is that the three grants have specific locations already and if one of those were to retire and Bouchard’s turn should come up, will one of those plots be able to be moved to his kelp farm location. There will be a public hearing in July regarding the proposed kelp farm.
Hickey provided a Town Administrator’s update and said that there are three employees who were hired through the Regional Health Coalition. “The Board that oversees that grant voted to move that grant Host Community from Kingston to Plymouth, so those employees will become Plymouth employees after July 1,” Hickey said.
Hickey also said that representatives from the Town and the State, including D.O.T., and concerned citizens have been invited to a meeting with the Old Colony Planning Council to discuss the intersection at Maple St. and Landing Rd. The intersection has been deemed dangerous by many.
Hickey also said that Eversource has reached out to see if they could install a transformer in the library parking lot. He noted that it would be about the size of a parking space. “Unless there’s an event going on, it really shouldn’t be that much of an issue,” Hickey said.
Emberg provided those in attendance with several announcements including various vacancies. The Sewer Commission has a vacancy as of July 1. Emberg also said, “The Moderator is recruiting to fill open seats on the Finance Committee. Anyone interested should reach out to the Moderator.” There is also an open seat on the Capital Planning Committee, and anyone interested should reach out to Finance Committee. Additionally, there is an opening for a Kingston resident on the Old Colony Elder Services Board of Directors, and for a volunteer to deliver for Meals on Wheels. The Council on Aging is seeking an Associate member.
Other announcements included that the Animal Rescue League of Boston is sponsoring a spay wagon and will be coming to Kingston a few times per month. Appointments are required and can be scheduled via phone or online. Transfer Station sticker sales have begun. Upcoming events include a farmer’s market on Sunday July 2 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Gray’s Beach. The next Music at the Beach event will be July 11 at 6 p.m. at Gray’s Beach Park.
Selectman Don Alcombright brought forth the issue of a need for a police detail at the Hilltop during sports season, particularly for the Thursday night events. “Part of the issue is traffic gets backed up all the way to the light, so they’re double parking and they’re taking up all the spaces in the first few baseball fields; so, people that are actually trying to attend sporting events, can’t,” Emberg said. Hickey said he would have a conversation with the Chief and the club.
Selectman Sheila Vaughn acknowledged that it is PRIDE month and said two Kingston residents are running an event to celebrate at Nelson Park in Plymouth on June 25. “It is a great event and it is run by two of our Kingston residents who run Plymouth PRIDE. Plymouth PRIDE is all of our surrounding towns… Plymouth area,” Vaughn said. She said there would be food trucks and other entertainment.
Before adjourning, Bouchard said of the Memorial Day events in Kingston, “It’s one of those days where it’s like the best of what you get to see in a town like we have, between the speakers and the volunteers who put their time into it.” Emberg also thanked everyone for a wonderful Memorial Day parade and cookout.
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