Representative Dylan Fernandes, candidate for Massachusetts State Senate, is announcing endorsements by elected officials across the Cape & Islands.
“It’s an honor to have the support from local leaders across the Cape and Islands,” Fernandes said. “As the only candidate to support the Affordable Homes Act, Climate bill, and Roe Act there is a lot at stake in this election for Cape Codders around affordability, preservation, and healthcare access.”
Among the endorsements are Senator Su Moran, the current Plymouth & Barnstable senator, and Senator Julian Cyr, as well as Rep. Sarah Peake, Cape & Islands District Attorney Rob Galibois, and Barnstable County Sheriff Donna Buckley.
Representative Sarah Peake spoke to Fernandes’ collaborative spirit: “Dylan is a collaborator. Over the past eight years I have worked with him and seen firsthand how he collaborates with colleagues in Boston, partners with people of all backgrounds on the Cape and Islands, and delivers real results for our region. From water quality to housing to sea level rise, Dylan is a leading voice on the issues impacting our coastal communities.”
Senator Julian Cyr highlighted Fernandes’ effectiveness: “Dylan has a track record of delivering results for his constituents, and we’ve teamed up on a myriad of challenging issues. Few elected officials are more effective or as grounded in the lived challenges that Cape Codders and South Shore residents face. The people of the Barnstable & Plymouth District would be very well served to be represented by Dylan in the Senate. He has my enthusiastic endorsement.”
Incumbent Plymouth & Barnstable Senator Susan Moran spoke to her confidence in Fernandes’ leadership: “I’m endorsing Dylan because I am confident he will continue the level of commitment to service that the District deserves.”
All Cape & Islands leaders endorsing Fernandes:
Su Moran, State Senator
Terry Murray, Former President of the State Senate
Julian Cyr, State Senator
Sarah Peake, State Representative
Bob Mascali, Falmouth Select Board Member
Kip Diggs, State Representative
Chris Flanagan, State Representative
Douglas C. Brown, Falmouth Select Board Member
David Weeden, Mashpee Select Board Member
John Cotton, Mashpee Select Board Chair Onjalé Scott Price, Falmouth Select Board Member
Mary Jane Mastrangelo, Bourne Select Board Chair
Melissa Ferretti, Bourne Select Board Vice Chair
Peter Meier, Bourne Select Board Member
Mark Forest, Barnstable County Commissioner
Sheila Lyons, Barnstable County Commission Vice Chair
Ronald Bergstrom, Barnstable County Commission Chair
Halifax BOS appoints committee to review operations
The Halifax Board of Selectmen began their Tuesday, Sept. 28, meeting by interviewing candidates for the Town Government Study Committee. “This is a committee that the Board of Selectmen is setting up as kind of an advisory committee to consider basically all of our town operations… I don’t think it’s ever been looked at since 1734 frankly,” John Bruno, chairman of the Board of Selectmen said.
Josh Curtis was up first. He said, “We moved here five years ago from Hawaii after I retired from the service. I was Airborne Infantry; served in Iraq and Afghanistan – received the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star of Valor. After separating from the military, we purchased a beautiful home in Halifax… and we just fell in love with the town. It has such a great community… and I just want to find a way to help based on my history.” He was asked several questions including how he worked with people who have different viewpoints than himself. “I actually worked with a Three-Star General… and we helped foreign armies actually improve their operations,” Curtis replied.
They also interviewed Kerri Sellers, who said she has been a resident of Halifax for five years. Sellers said she works in Cambridge for a Biotech company. “Over the course of my career, I’m actually the assistant to the CEO, so I’m pretty good at getting a consensus… I think that communication is something that would be an asset on this particular committee – being able to speak competently and also listen,” Sellers said.
The Board voted to appoint all of the candidates. They appointed Joshua Curtis, Mary Gravinese, Sandy Nolan, Kerri Sellers, and Jim Walters to the Town Government Study Committee, all to open terms. “I want to thank all of you folks for all of this,” Bruno said. Selectman Tom Pratt was named as the Chair.
The Selectmen also voted to appoint Walter Petersen as a Special Police Officer. Police Chief Joao Chaves also addressed the Board regarding littering and trespassing offenses in town. He said he hopes by next year to have people in place to make the laws regarding littering and trespassing more enforceable. Bruno said that another option is to ask the Parks Department to post signs asking people to clean up their trash, etc.
CPA presentation
Candice Kniffen appeared before the Board to give a presentation on the Community Preservation Act (CPA). Kniffen said that it was voted that the CPA appear on the ballot. She said that most people are unaware of what the CPA actually is and described it as “an assessment that the townspeople pay but also there’s matching funds that the State provides.” She continued, “but for 24 years we have felt that Halifax has left this money on the table.” She also said that 196 towns have adopted it, but in this area only Halifax, East Bridgewater, Avon, and Brockton have yet to adopt the CPA. She mentioned revitalizing the Blacksmith Shop in town. She said that CPA funding could allow for that as well as adding playground equipment amongst other things.
Kniffen said that the affordable housing portion of the Act was being confused with the MBTA Zoning requirements that the State has set forth. She said that some of the towns that have adopted the CPA have established renting assistance programs as well as repurposing buildings in town. Kniffen said that all nine members of the Committee are longtime residents who raised their children in Halifax and have volunteered in various capacities within the community for years.
Bruno spoke up saying that he believed that voting in favor of the CPA would benefit the town in the long run. Selectman Jonathan Selig said, “One of the battle cries from a lot of folks in Halifax is we want to preserve Halifax; we want to keep Halifax the special place that it is. In my opinion, one of the best tools we can have, is the CPA.” He called it a “no brainer” and said it was set up for exactly what most of the town wants.
Selectman Tom Pratt still had questions, however. He said he was unsure if they could cap the housing bucket yet. “If money was not an object, the CPA is a no brainer… one of the big concerns I’m hearing though… is the housing thing; I think if we could get an answer as to whether you could cap that ten percent bucket and make it mandatory spending, that would be helpful… in other words, if you’re collecting $100,000 a year and $10,000 has to go to the housing bucket, can we cap that at $20-$30 thousand to spend it on veterans, to spend it on rental assistance rather than put aside to buy multiple pieces of property.” He stressed that, in his opinion, the CPA was a no brainer minus the 10 percent housing. Selig said he “kicked the tires with the State” and doesn’t believe that it is possible.
Kniffen said, “The CPA gives us a lot of control in how we choose to do it, so I’m not sure that capping it is a solution.” I think people need to remember this was established to encourage towns to take care of things that they can’t do in their regular budget and to give them a way to do it without… having to go for an override because you’re in an emergency situation.” She said that the estimate for the average homeowner in Halifax were the CPA to pass would be an increase of $88 per year. “I’d rather do that then have my taxes continue to go up,” she said referring to an override. The Selectmen agreed to table the conversation until a later meeting.
Dog woes revisited
In the Aug. 30 edition of the Plympton-Halifax-Kingston Express, reported a story about a dog owned by Tabor McSherry that was cited as a nuisance dog due to run-ins with neighbors and a neighbor’s dog. McSherry appeared before the Board again on Sept. 24. Asked what he planned to do as a result of the meeting in August, McSherry said he has plans to get the dog further training in November. “In the meantime, I’ve taken over muzzle training with the dog.So far that has worked out really well… when we’re off the property, he’s always wearing the muzzle… The backyard is surrounded by a 6 ft. fence,” McSherry said.
Plympton residents to decide on name change
The Plympton Board of Selectmen met on Tuesday, Sept. 9. Selectmen Chair John Traynor brought up a suggestion for a name change as he has done many times over the last few years. Traynor recommended using Select Board as opposed to Board of Selectmen. Traynor said that of 292 towns, not cities, in Massachusetts over half of them have changed from Board of Selectmen to Select Board. “Everything going forward is labeled Select Board… the towns that abut us, Pembroke, Middleborough, and Carver have all moved to Select Board as a title. Only Halifax, Kingston, and ourselves do not use that name. Plymouth has moved to Select Board as has Duxbury,” Traynor said. He said he isn’t motivated by being politically correct but rather by all the women they have serving in government from the local all the way to the federal level.
Selectman Mark Russo said, “I am dead set against the change… I particularly enjoy being connected to a tradition that goes back to 1707.” Russo said that he felt that the mere fact that there are so many women in leadership positions shows that the title itself doesn’t prohibit it.
Selectman Dana Smith said he felt it should be up to the town. “We were voted in by the town, I think it should be something the town should decide… I would think that there might be some costs associated,” Smith said. Town Administrator Liz Dennehy said that the path of least resistance would be to put it at Town Meeting as a warrant article. Dennehy also said, “the only thing that I would mention in conjunction with what Mr. Smith was saying is that there are certain cost implications. All of our bylaws are codified and we have to pay… for every single bylaw change that we make. Now I don’t know exactly how much that would be, but anywhere in our bylaws that states Board of Selectmen would have to be changed.” Traynor said, “I would be very surprised if there was any cost of any consequence.” Traynor made a motion that they put an article on the annual Town Meeting to change the name. Smith seconded. The motion passed with Smith and Traynor voting in favor of it and Russo voting against it.
Town Accountant Lisa Hart provided an end of year closeout update. Hart said she was looking to have everything submitted to the State by the end of September. She also said that she was hoping they could have free cash certified by the middle of October as well as have the tax rate set before Thanksgiving.
“I’d say I’m probably a week to ten days behind where I would like to have been due to the fact that I was waiting for the schools for some information… Silver Lake… it gets a little confusing because they pay their teachers, all the money that they pay through the summer is actually from their FY24 budget so they have to approve that into FY25 in order to pay them,” Hart said. She added, “they’re working hard over there but they were left with quite a mess over there to clean up… they’re struggling over there. They’re underemployed. They don’t have enough people.”
Traynor said that they had several one-day liquor license requests for Stellwagen Beer Company at Sauchuk Farm. The dates include 9/21, 9/22, 9/28, 9/29, 10/5, 10/6, 10/12, 10/13, 10/14, 10/19, 10/20, 10/26, 10/27, 11/2, and 11/3. The Selectmen noted that there would be a police detail present for each of the dates. The Selectmen voted to approve the requests.
Dennehy said that they have applied for and been awarded a Green Communities grant for work to the heating system at the library in the amount of just over $135,000. “That brings my individual total for grants that I’ve brought in over the last few years to well over $1 million.” She noted that she wouldn’t have been able to do so without the help of Ross MacPherson and the Old Colony Planning Council.
The Selectmen ended the meeting with raves. Russo said, “my raves are for questions that are useful and constructive. Despite personal opinion, preference, philosophy, or ego, despite past grievances, questions like what’s best for the town, most importantly, how do we be fair, how do we keep things moving… again, my rave is for those kinds of questions that are able to surmount obstacles and keep things moving.”
Traynor recalled his rave at the prior meeting for the life and legacy of Plympton resident Jacqueline Freitas who recently passed. He noted that well over 100 people attended her services. He spoke about her passion for various causes and the affection that was shown by the turnout at her services.
Halifax TRIAD meeting hosts CPA presentation
At the monthly TRIAD meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 10, the H.O.P.E. Committee (Halifax’s Opportunity to Preserve and Enhance) Committee did an informational presentation on the November ballot question (#6) to adopt the Community Preservation Act (CPA). The CPA allows cities and towns in Massachusetts to create a local fund specifically for open space acquisition, historic preservation, community housing and outdoor recreation projects. Cities and towns that adopt the CPA also receive funds from the State’s Community Preservation Trust Fund each year for these same purposes. Currently 196 cities and towns in Massachusetts have adopted the Community Preservation Act. The presentation highlighted several impressive projects completed by area towns.
Based on currently available figures, with a 1.5% surcharge and the exemptions for the first $100,000 of residential and commercial property value, in addition to the low/moderate income exemption, Halifax would generate approximately $238,000 per year. This figure does not include the annual disbursement Halifax would receive from the state’s CPA Trust Fund, which would be in addition to the local CPA revenue raised. The annual cost to the average Halifax homeowner would be approximately $84 annually payable in two installments of $42 each.
For more information see H.O.P.E.’s website:, Facebook: Halifax’s Opportunity to Preserve & Enhance- HOPE.
Please send any questions to [email protected]
Kingston veterans wanted for photo
KINGSTON – The editors and directors of Tales of Jones River Village: Kingston’s 300 Years are inviting Kingston veterans to be part of a photo that will be taken on Veterans Day in front of the new Memorial in front of the Town Hall at noon.
The book’s directors are looking to highlight the service that veterans have provided over the years and are seeking volunteers to be photographed and be part of this celebration of Kingston’s 300th anniversary in 2026 and will be including a group photograph of the men and women who served the country in the military.
“Tales of Jones River Village: Kingston’s 300 years” will celebrate and commemorate Kingston’s 300th anniversary and will be available for purchase in the fall of 2025, ahead of Kingston’s 300th anniversary in 2026. There has been strong support from the community in the way of articles and photographs.
This new illustrated history will feature short narratives and fresh accounts which will add to established town histories, chronicling the town and its people through different eras. Contributors to the book have come from the community. The publishers anticipate that the book will be approximately 250 pages in length, and approximately 9.5 by 12 inches in size.
In addition to the photograph, there are a few opportunities remaining if anyone has wants to prepare a short article pertaining to their military service, or the service of a loved one.
“Our veterans have given so much to the community and the country,” said Ken Brack, a director and the project’s Managing Editor, who added, “We believe it is fitting that in this book we honor the service and sacrifice that these individuals have made. Please get in touch with us and be part of our town’s history in this upcoming book.”
The publishers anticipate that the book will be approximately 250 pages in length, and approximately 9.5 by 12 inches in size.
The publishers of this book are not affiliated with the town’s 300th committee; this is a separate venture. To learn more about the book, please visit To inquire about being part of the photo, or a related story, please contact Ken Brack, managing editor, [email protected],
Kingston AgCom to host fair
KINGSTON – Members of the Kingston Agricultural Commission are looking to build upon last year’s successful fair and announce that the Kingston Agricultural Fair will take place Sunday, Sept. 29, from 1 to 4 p.m. on the grounds of the Kingston Town Hall, 26 Evergreen St.
Admission to the event is free. Come and see what the fair has to offer; including 4-H members and local farmers with their animals, informational tables from regional organizations, the opportunity to see antique farm equipment, items for sale such as local flowers and eggs. Additionally, there will be live music, a variety of food and beverage trucks, and representation from a number of Kingston Town Departments. Attendees will have the chance to participate in a drawing for a free, handmade braided rug by Sandy O’Fihelly and see Kingston’s newly constructed Veterans’ Memorial.
The Silver Lake Regional High School Class of 2025 will benefit from the “Cow Plop” fundraiser which will be held during the fair. Grid tickets will be available for $20 through the school, and on the day of the fair. When a cow “goes plop” on a certain grid the winning prizes include a JBL speaker, $100 worth of gift cards, or $500 in cash. Monies raised will help with the cost of the senior picnic, dinner dance, and prom. The cows are provided courtesy of the 4-H Club.
“Last year’s event was a huge success and we’re hoping for another great turnout,” said Debra Mueller, the Town’s Animal Inspector. “There’s something for everyone. It’s a chance to see firsthand the importance of agriculture and aquaculture in our lives, and to have some fun at the same time.”
Admission is free. For additional information, please contact Agricultural Commissioner Jean Landis-Naumann, [email protected] or (339) 832-0782.
Plympton BOS allows removal of large pine tree
The Plympton Board of Selectmen met on Monday, Aug. 26.
Selectmen Chair John Traynor said they had a request for town-owned tree removal in the area of 292 Main St. The resident of the property, Willie Hannigan, spoke saying there was approximately a 15-20 ft. strip of property between his land and Young’s Convenience Store which contains a large pine which he described as roughly 110 ft. high. “It stands alone. It has no peers… it sways greatly, we did have a tree next to it come down and miss my mother’s bedroom by about 15 ft. and there are three bedrooms right in that possible path where it could come down. I believe Young has talked to the town about this before… it worries me to see this tree and what could happen,” Hannigan said.
Hannigan also said that he would be having septic work done soon and that he was told that the work could undermine the roots of the tree making it more susceptible to coming down. He noted that the town couldn’t pay for taking it down, but that he was just looking for their blessing. The Selectmen voted unanimously to allow Hannigan to remove the tree at his expense.
Town Administrator Elizabeth Dennehy spoke regarding the required taking of two small pieces of property for the Winnetuxet Rd. bridge project. Selectmen Chair John Traynor confirmed that the owners of the land were fine with it. “It’s a part of the Mass DOT process since we are getting State funding for this project,” Dennehy said. Selectman Mark Russo said, “My only comment is I wish they weren’t doing the whole project; many of us spoke against it but I guess it’s going ahead. In terms of this specific agenda item and motion, I’m fine with it.” Traynor read that $400 would be paid in damages to the owners.
Dennehy provided some Town Administrator updates. She said she was working to close out the grant cycle for the Community Compact Program. “I’m going to be surveying some of the Boards and Committees and Departments to figure out what a next application might look like.” She said that she believed that there may currently be some technology funding available that could be used for something like updating the town website.
She said that she met with the Fire Department to address some flooding that occurred in a back room there. She said there was some discussion about the Highway Department potentially building a ditch with some stone to try to curb the flow into the building. “We need to do something in the immediate to deal with that… even if we put in a new Fire Station, if we’re going to repurpose that building at some point; we need to protect the asset and stop the water,” she explained.
Dennehy told the Selectmen that Police Officer Caitlyn Mullaney is resigning from the Department. Traynor said, “she was well-liked by the kids for sure.” “Absolutely,” Dennehy said.
The Selectmen went into Executive Session. A lawyer present told them that they needed to read the case names that were to be discussed in that session. These included Pierre Coll v. Plympton Conservation Commission, Henry J. O’Hearn, III v. Plympton, Plympton v. Ruth Ann Hatch and Jenifer Rogers, and Kenneth Thompson et al. v. Plympton Conservation Commission.
The Selectmen ended with their usual raves. Russo said, “My rave is for the summer report that we got from Town Counsels; I thought they had all the detail in there but were coherent and logical and really laid out the cases in a way that a laymen can understand, and I appreciate that.”
Traynor said, “First I want to acknowledge the passing of Jacqueline Freitas. A really unique person – I like Jackie a lot. She had no fear of telling you exactly where she stood on an issue; she was very much for the town – did a lot of work.” He applauded her work as a driver for the Council on Aging.
Traynor also praised Recreation for getting lights on the field. Finally, he gave a rave for the Council on Aging barbeque hosted by the Upland Club.
Kingston appoints Lisa Eriksson new Veterans’ Agent
The Kingston Board of Selectmen met on Monday, Aug. 19. Chair Eric Crone said that there was a retirement and a resignation for the two administrative assistant positions within the Veterans’ Department. As a result, the Selectmen would be appointing a Veterans’ Agent. He noted that the position was advertised and interviews held. Town Administrator Keith Hickey said that they looked at a few options including a joint position with a neighboring community. He continued saying, “We also found out… that the Veteran’s Administration had added a certification that was necessary for Veteran’s Agent to submit reimbursements to the VA. Our two former admins did not have the background to do that… you’ve got to be a Veteran’s Agent and not just an admin.”
Hickey said that they were making a recommendation to appoint Lisa Eriksson to the position as a Grade 5, Step 4 paygrade. He noted that it was $1,772.00 more than what they have in the fiscal year budget for 2025. He did say however, that due to the retirements the money was there. “I think she’s a great candidate; she worked in the Veteran’s office in the town of Carver… and she is a veteran,” Hickey told the Selectmen. The Selectmen voted unanimously to appoint her. It was said that there were no plans to replace the administrative assistant role.
Crone also said that they would be looking to appoint someone to the position of public safety dispatcher. Kingston Police Chief Brian Holmes introduced Andrew Burke, who he said is an undergraduate at Curry College. Holmes said he was vetted by a Committee which included himself and dispatch. He further stated that he was chosen from a pool of 50 applicants. The Selectmen unanimously voted to appoint him.
Holmes also addressed the request to use American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to pay for items for the Department that he called “needs” not “wants.” Among the items needed was a portable breath test and body worn cameras. The Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the use of ARPA funds no greater than $28,756.00 to purchase the necessary equipment.
Hickey said that he watched the August 13 Water Commissioners’ meeting where they discussed the proposed funding request for a new well. The Water Commissioners plan to bring an article to the fall town meeting to fund the design portion of the new well, but not the actual building of the well. Hickey said he would like to see them reconsider the decision to hold off asking for funding for the building of the well until the spring. Hickey said, “There’s current property owners that need water that can’t get it, there are other property owners that are looking to either develop or redevelop their property but can’t. We just passed this past spring an accessory dwelling unit bylaw that if a person has an accessory dwelling unit and they want to bring it forward, if it’s a new unit they can’t connect to water. There are some real financial challenges that not being able to connect to water brings.”
The town and school department staff met to establish a school zone for the Silver Lake campus. He said that they would have a recommendation on it at the next Board of Selectmen’s meeting. Hickey said that in conjunction with the Streets, Trees, and Parks, The Superintendent’s Office, The Planning Department, and the Police Department, they have come up with a plan that they believe will meet all State requirements. An engineering firm is going over the plans to make sure it is feasible. Hickey said in addition to signage for the schools, he included a design for a “welcome to Kingston” sign. “The Planning Board supports the designs you see in front of you this evening,” he told the Selectmen. Hickey said the project would be ongoing for a few years as funding sources, such as CPC grants, become available. He said they would be looking to get approval from the Board of Selectmen in the near future.
Hickey also provided a personnel update. A van driver for the Council on Aging has resigned. Additionally, the School Committee would be interviewing candidates for the vacancy on the Kingston School Committee.
Hickey said that the Conservation Agent and himself plan to meet with Brockton’s mayor to discuss Brockton’s withdrawal of water from Silver Lake. “Brockton is withdrawing far greater water than they are supposed to be. Silver Lake is down about 2 feet.” He continued, “The concern that some of the Conservation people have in town is that the fish won’t be able to swim to the ocean this fall because the water levels won’t be high enough so we would like to at least have a conversation to try to address at least the issue Kingston is having.”
He noted that DEP had been reached out to, but called them “hesitant” to enforce the existing agreement.
Plympton CPC seeks grant proposals
PLYMPTON – The Plympton Community Preservation Committee (CPC) is currently accepting applications for fiscal year 2025 funding. The deadline for completed applications is October 15.
Projects funded in prior years include a safe in the Town Clerk’s office to archive important historical records; installation of a chairlift and new insulation for the “Old Town House” building at 189 Main St.; a comprehensive drainage system to solve a chronic wet basement in the Plympton Library; funds to acquire and improve the 11 acre parcel on Main Street now known as Churchill Park which offers access to the abutting 87 acre parcel known as Cato’s Ridge thereby forming a large natural preserve with walking trails; improvements at Harry Jason Park to make it more accessible for family and recreational use; the installation of a chairlift in the Plympton Historical Society Building; renovation of the old Winnetuxet swimming hole into a recreational area; and facilitating the donation of O’Neil Marsh on Ring Road which offers additional access to Cato’s Ridge.
More recent projects include clapboard painting and window restoration and replacement at the “Old Town House”; repair and restoration of Town Green gazebo; creation of the 150 acre “Two Brooks Preserve” off Prospect Road; funding for improvements to the playground at the Dennett Elementary School; and the purchase and preservation of almost 300 acres known as Turkey Swamp.
The CPC takes very seriously its responsibility to administer Community Preservation Act funds and is thrilled to have the opportunity to serve and improve the town through acquisition and protection of open space, historical preservation, community housing and increased recreational opportunities. New projects selected by the CPC for further consideration will be voted on at the 2025 Annual Town Meeting.
Project guidelines and applications can be found on the Plympton town website at Click on “Documents” at the left-hand side of the web page to bring up the Plympton Community Preservation Plan which includes the application and criteria. The CPC Plan and application are also available at the Town House and at the Plympton Public Library. Questions can be addressed by contacting CPC Chair Mark Russo at [email protected].
EEE, West Nile Virus in Halifax, Plympton, and Kingston
The Massachusetts Dept. of Public Health reminds people in moderate to high risk areas, such as Whitman, Hanson, Halifax, Plympton, and Kingston, that the threat continues for both Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) and West Nile Virus (WNV). To date, two males, one in Hampden County, in the 40-49 year old age group and one in Middlesex County, in the 70-79 year old age group, have contracted WNV. One animal has been found with EEE..
These mosquito-borne illnesses continue to be a threat to health and residents should take precautions when outside from dusk to dawn, prime time for mosquito bites. The threat will continue until a hard frost, usually in October..
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