The Town of Plympton and Plympton Police Department are pleased to announce the kickoff of a new traffic safety and speeding enforcement campaign. This campaign will be run through the Police Department and is a multi-faceted approach tasked with the mission of keeping our roadways safer for our residents and slowing down traffic passing through town.
The Police Department has successfully secured grant funding to support additional hours for traffic patrols and for the installation of a new solar powered speed monitoring sign through the FFY 2024 Municipal Road Safety (MRS) Grant. These funds will be used as part of a High Visibility Enforcement program that will allow for committing a significant percentage of enforcement to several targeted areas in order to begin to mitigate aggressive, impaired, and distracted driving to prevent motor vehicle accidents.
The following action items are already in progress or will be commencing within the upcoming days:
• Each week there will be a street selected that will have officers on each shift conducting targeted Radar Patrols.
• Streets with a high incidence of reported speeding will be prioritized at key times of day.
• The Police Department will purchase 100 bicycle helmets for bike safety programming. School Resource Officers will provide these to any child needing a helmet or a new sized helmet.
• Over the next few months, we will be conducting several traffic initiatives such as click-it or ticket, school bus safety, distracted driving, hands free operation and winter impaired driving.
• Citizens can help us with this campaign by driving the speed limit as a way to model the behavior we are encouraging. Another benefit of this type of community involvement is that it will also help to slow down traffic generally, which will in turn slow down those speeding through town. Additionally, if citizens notice a particular street or a specific time of day in which they typically witness speeding issues, they are urged to reach out to the Police Department to let them know.
The main point of contact is Lieutenant Dan Hoffman. Lieutenant Hoffman can be reached via Email: [email protected] or by phone at (781) 585-3339 Ext. 502