The Halifax Board of Selectmen met on Tuesday, July 23. They began by entering into executive session to discuss negotiations with the Assistant Town Accountant as well as to discuss strategy with respect to litigation involving Morse Brothers. After returning to open session, the Selectmen approved a Memorandum of Agreement with the Assistant Town Accountant for a temporary pay increase while they are without a Town Accountant in the office.
Selectmen Chair John Bruno said, “We were made aware recently that Morse Brothers had started or were engaged in trucking what we think is sand, gravel, or some such thing off of their property over the last week or so, couple of weeks, I guess. Once we were made aware of that we discussed with Counsel what to do and the result of that is that the Board has issued a letter to Morse Brothers constituting a cease-and-desist order and an assessment of a fine for multiple violations of the town of Halifax’s soil removal bylaw.” He noted that the letter, which he read during the meeting, had been sent on July 18. A portion of the letter read, “the recent earth removal was not authorized by the soil removal permit because Morse Brothers had already removed almost all of the soil authorized by the soil removal permit. By letter dated May 3, 2024, Attorney Rosenberg stated that 19,908 yards of sand/earth had been removed from the property during the period of February 12, 2024 to April 5, 2024.” The letter also noted that the total earth removal allowed by the bylaw was plus or minus 20,000 cubic yards. Bruno told those assembled that they had been advised by Counsel not to discuss the matter any further in open session.
“Almost a year ago, the Selectmen… reinstituted the Zoning Bylaw Review Committee with a charge to review Zoning Bylaw taking into account all kinds of issues… including the potential for the MBTA Zoning that we do need to address by the end of the year,” Bruno said. He complimented the Committee, including the Building Commissioner and Town Administrator on their work on the large task. He said that he anticipated them having their recommendations ready for the next Town Meeting. Town Administrator Cody Haddad said that there were some “changes of substance” and noted that they would try and hold some public workshops to explain.
Library trustees appointed
The Selectmen met with the Library Trustees for some appointments. The Board spoke with Tina Palmer and Holly Dillon regarding their appointments from now until the election in May. Both spoke to their many qualifications before being unanimously appointed by the Board. “That’s two fantastic resume’s right there,” Bruno said.
Government study committee
The Selectmen also discussed the Government Study Committee that is being created to review the town’s governmental structure. Haddad read, “the Government Study Committee shall consist of seven members, five of which shall be voting members, one representative from the Board of Selectmen, four other members at-large appointed by the Board of Selectmen, the Town Administrator and Town Counsel; the Board of Selectmen representative shall serve as Chair of the Committee. The Selectmen are taking talent bank forms for consideration during the first Board of Selectmen meeting in September.
ARPA funds change
Haddad addressed the need for a change in the allocation of ARPA funds for Silver Lake. “The Board had previously allocated $463,380 to fund Halifax’s portion of air conditioning at Silver Lake that was initially supposed to install air conditioning at both the Middle School and the High School; they have gone out to bid on that project and that has come in over budget by $262,980 and that’s actually only going to do half of the AC at the Middle School,” Haddad said. He also said that there was another project to install a rooftop unit on the High School cafeteria. Halifax funded their portion of over $100,000 during Town Meeting; that project came in at a deficit. He asked the Selectmen to move the money around to better meet the needs of the projects though he noted that there was no net increase.
Summer Intern
Haddad told the Selectmen that their intern, Eva Chapman, created a monthly newsletter in order to assist with transparency with the town. Chapman is a rising high school senior. She did an interview with Town Accountant Sandra Nolan upon her retiring, among other stories. She said she was also hoping to come out with a video newsletter. Chapman said that she is also trying a new initiative to highlight different local businesses.
Summer Smash!
Before adjourning, Selectman Jonathan Selig said that the 20th annual summer smash softball tournament, which he called one of the largest in Eastern Massachusetts, would be occurring during August 2, 3, and 4. He warned residents that there would be a lot of people in town during those days. “It’s a lot of fun but so the residents are aware, the school lot will be very full; we’re kind of the crown jewel of town softball tournaments,” Selig said.